Pre-Meditated Murder

  • Author: Tracy Weber
  • Publisher: Midnight Ink
  • Print Length: 290 pages
  • Release Date: January 8, 2018
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreCozy
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Book Summary

Yoga instructor Kate Davidson is ready to marry her boyfriend Michael, so she’s disappointed when a special dinner doesn’t end with a proposal. But disappointment turns to dismay and outrage as she learns the real problem: Michael is already married and his green card-seeking wife is blackmailing him.

When his wife’s body is found—by Kate and her dog, no less—Michael is strangely unable to remember where he was the night she died. Since Michael has no alibi, Kate steps up to uncover what happened. What she walks into is a tangled web of deceit, obsession, and immigration fraud . . . with Michael trapped in the middle.

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Guest Post from Tracy Weber

Character Casting

Pre- Meditated Murder is a lighthearted mystery starring yoga teacher/sleuth Kate Davidson, her best friend Rene, and love interest/pet food store owner Michael. Of course the true star of the series is a German shepherd named Bella, but I don’t know of any German shepherd movie stars, so I’ll leave her casting up to the director.

As for Kate, she has a girl next-door energy. She’s pretty—though not drop-dead gorgeous—and she has a quirky, self-deprecating sense of humor. Amy Adams has a lovely, funny energy that she brings to her roles. She’d perfectly portray Kate and the embarrassing situations she finds herself in.

Paul Rudd would be my choice for Michael. Like Michael, Mr. Rudd is handsome, but in a relaxed, everyman way. A bonus is that he looks great both with and without facial hair. My only concern about Paul Rudd is that Michael is six feet tall. Mr. Rudd will have to wear heels! Still, he is wonderful in comedic roles, and you can’t help but root for him. With Kate as a love interest, he’ll need all the help he can get!

Rene is Kate’s drop-dead gorgeous best friend, sort of a brunette-haired Barbie. She has to be played by Olivia Wilde. I’ve loved Ms. Wilde since I watched her on House. I can imagine her being sophisticated, nuanced, and loyal, just like Rene.

New Cast Members for this book

Patricia De Leon plays Gabriela, Michael’s secret spouse and the murder victim.  Gabriela is a former model from Mexico who fled to the US to escape an abusive boyfriend.


Kit Harrington is Von, who used to be Michael’s best friend.  Von and Michael now have an uneasy relationship.  Von resented Gabriela and how her relationship with Michael ended their friendship.

Emily Rose is Shannon, Michael’s sister, who loves him to a fault and is prone to calling him “Baby Brother” every chance she gets.

Elizabeth Moss is Crystal, Gabriella’s best friend.  She, Von, Shannon, and Michael were all friends before Michael moved from Cannon  Beach to Seattle.

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Tracy Weber is the author of the award-winning Downward Dog Mysteries series featuring yoga teacher Kate Davidson and her feisty German shepherd, Bella. Tracy loves sharing her passion for yoga and animals in any form possible. Her first book, Murder Strikes a Pose won the Maxwell Award for Fiction and is a 2015 Agatha award nominee for Best First Novel. The third book in her series, Karma's a Killer, was released January, 2015 by Midnight Ink.

Tracy and her husband live in Seattle with their challenging yet amazing German shepherd Tasha. When she's not writing, Tracy spends her time teaching yoga, walking Tasha, and sipping Blackthorn cider at her favorite ale house.

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Tracy Weber

Book Review by Bree Herron

Get ready to be checking the list twice to find out who murdered our victim. This was a great mystery and I always love Kate and Bella. Kate, you go girl and you are a strong gal for what you went through, plus it all finishes into a great beginning.


Kate is our yoga gal and mystery solver, this time the mystery is knocking at her heart. Let’s just say there is a variety of characters in this mystery and Kate manages to build relationships, mourn and be happy through this book. She is a character that actually is as zen to me as yoga is. Her manner is always calm even when she is rescuing Mouse. Kate has a big heart and she is willing to love many with the risk of being hurt, a great quality to have.

Micheal, dude really? I think you should have mentioned the wife early on, but it was a nice moment to stir a reader into a plot. But next time please don’t keep the skeletons in the closet, or anywhere else.

Enjoyable Moments

All I can say is the last 40 pages will keep you holding your breath and glued to the pages of this book. I can not say anymore, I fear spilling too much of the beans.


This was an outstanding read. I love the twists and turns, along with all the characters that I could put on my checklist of who murdered Micheal’s wife. I always enjoy seeing Bella and Kate solve a mystery, gain new friends, and find new beginnings. Readers will enjoy the fast pace of this mystery that is sure to keep them guessing.

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**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

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