Author Interview: Sarah Monzon

Whether talking coffee with creamer or her latest book, Sarah is a delight to chat with. Her books are amazing to read, and leave a lasting impression with readers. Her newest release The Esther Paradigm is coming to your local bookshelf in November and it is one I have ready to download.

If you comment on this interview, you will have the chance to win a copy of this book, provided by the blog!

Sarah Monzon's Books

Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers

All of You

All of You

The Issac Project

The Isaac Project

The Esther Paradigm

The Esther Paradigm
<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Sarah Monzon is a Navy chaplain’s wife and a stay at home mom to the two cutest littles in the world. Playing pretend all day with them isn’t enough, she spends the evenings after their heads hit the pillow to create her own imaginary characters. When she isn’t in the world of make believe, she can be found in the pine forests of western Washington taking care of her family, fostering friendships, and enjoying all the adventures each day brings.

Her debut novel, The Isaac Project, skyrocketed to Amazon bestseller status while her Sophomore book, Finders Keepers, won the 2017 SELAH award. 

Find Sarah on:

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">My Interview With The Author</span></span></h2>


Hi Sarah thanks for stopping by the blog today! I love to just jump in and get to know an author, so let’s get started! What do you read when you’re not writing? Any favorite authors?

Sarah Monzon

I love all genres as long as it has at least a small romantic thread to it. Although I am a bit of a mood reader, so I’ll pick up a book/genre based on the mood I’m in. Favorite authors? Way too many to list. I love finding a new-to-me author, though, and then binge-read their backlist.


I love that term “mood reader”, I would say I fall into that term often. I am a huge fan of my coffee and tea and can’t start my day without both.How do you start your day? Coffee or tea?

Sarah Monzon

Coffee with flavored creamer.


Now, I know that like many you are a reader as well as an author. What is your favorite book not written by you that has come out or is coming out in 2017?

Sarah Monzon

Oh, man. Picking one favorite book is entirely impossible. It would be hard to even give you my top ten. One book I am looking forward too, though, is The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck by Bethany Turner, which releases in October. The cover looks so cute and the premise sounds refreshingly unique.


That book is on my MUST read list, I have seen it all over instagram, and can’t wait for it to release. Authors are unique in their attack on writing. When you start a new book how do you begin? Can you walk us through your process?

Sarah Monzon

I’m not sure how much of a process I really have. Usually the first scene will come to me and I’ll write it and go from there. I usually have a general idea of the big picture of the story in my head, but I don’t plot out any of the scenes. I say the characters tell me their stories and all I do is write it down how they tell me. I’m often surprised by the story doing it this way, but it works well for me.


I love that the characters speak to you, maybe that’s why readers often say that your characters speak to them? All of You released back in May and is the second book in the Carrington Family Series. Who was your favorite character to create in this story?

Sarah Monzon

That’s a toughie. Do I have to chose? I love them all for different reasons. If I *had* to pick, though, I’d probably say Michael. I can relate to him on so many levels. Also his level of swooniness makes a great book boyfriend. =)


I love me a swoon worthy man. And you are right about Micheal. As a writer, what would you say is the hardest aspect of creating a series?

Sarah Monzon

Well, this series all contain continuous characters since it is centered around a family, but they can also all be read as stand-alones. I think the hardest aspect would be to be consistent with each character’s voice and personality throughout the entire series.


I would agree with the consistenacy. Now, I am eager after seeing your book list for the newest book The Esther Paradigm, coming in November. Care to share about the journey in writing of this book?

Sarah Monzon

My debut novel, The Isaac Project, was a book inspired by the Biblical story of Rebekah and Isaac. It was only ever supposed to be a stand alone as I had no plans to write any more contemporary books inspired by stories from the Bible. But then one day inspiration struck for a contemporary Esther story and the characters were speaking to me loud and clear. I really felt God drawing me to this story, so I set aside Adam Carrington’s story to write The Esther Paradigm. It’s a different type of story with elements I haven’t seen in Christian fiction before. I pray readers will be blessed by it.


The leading lady in the upcoming book is named Hannah not Esther. Hannah Pratt sounds like a strong female character, what will readers be drawn to with her?

Sarah Monzon

I think readers will be drawn to her sweet nature, her compassion, and her zest for life. She walks a fine line between remaining true to herself while also adhering to her adoptive culture and respecting those beliefs of her neighbors that she doesn’t embrace. But while she may put on a strong front, she also has an inner battle in which she struggles with her insecurities and often finds herself lacking when she compares herself to others.


Sounds like Hannah and I will get along great. As a reader, I am always eager to know what’s coming in the new year. Any new books being planned?

Sarah Monzon

The third book in the Carrington Family series, Adam’s story, will be out next year, but in the meantime The Esther Paradigm will release November 2nd. I will also have a novella coming out in a multi-author anthology in spring 2018. But shhhh…it’s still a super secret project. 😉


Well, Sarah it has been a pleasure to have you by! I am so excited for all your books, and hope readers are ready for the next one! Thank you for stopping by!

Sarah Monzon

Thank you so much for having me!

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  1. Lisa Garrity

    I was intrigued by your description of The Esther Paradigm! Esther is one of my favorite heroines of the Bible because she was beautiful both inside and outside. I’d love to win a copy, thanks for the opportunity!

  2. Sarah Monzon

    Thank you for having me. =)

  3. Abby Breuklander

    Oh all of Sarah’s books look so good!! I’m definitely going to have to bump them up on my reading bucket list!!

  4. Lisa Garrity

    Hi, I tried posting a comment previously but I didn’t see it here. So this is a second try! I was saying that I was really intrigued by your book because Esther is one of my favorite heroines from the Bible. She was so courageous and beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. I would love a chance to read the book; thanks for the opportunity!


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