So Pure a Heart

So Pure a Heart
  • Author: Amber Lynn Perry
  • Publisher: Liberty Publishing
  • Print Length: 454 pages
  • Release Date: June 14, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Since the night her dear uncle gave his life for hers, Hannah Young is determined to risk everything by spying for the Patriots in order to seek retribution against the British soldier who killed him. But when her former love, Joseph Wythe, insists on ensuring her safety, she must decide if the vengeance she seeks is worth the danger of his nearness. For the love she once felt is liable to grow deeper and more threatening to her heart than it ever was before.

Leaving his young ward to join the fight for liberty is the hardest thing Joseph Wythe has ever done. Nearly. The most difficult happened ten years past, which he tries his best to forget. Seeing Hannah Young again after all this time does something frightening and wonderful to his soul. Though her determination to spy for the Patriots is honorable and brave, he will never allow her to take such a risk without him to protect her, no matter how she protests—and no matter how he knows he will ache all the more for the thing he always wanted and still could never have.

Guest Post from Amber Lynn Perry

I have always loved history! In fact, my passion for history started long before my passion for writing. After I had my second baby I was searching for an outlet for that passion, and I just felt God leading me in this direction and I’ve been so happy! This writing journey is such a joy—but that doesn’t mean its always easy. Keeping a balanced life is important—God, family, church, home-school, writing, etc. But wow. It’s hard! Recently I found an article that said one writer sets aside two hours a day to write and she guards those hours ferociously. I’ve started to do that in the evening and so far (fingers crossed) it’s working! I lock myself in the back room, put in the earplugs and go for it. However, two hours isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but that’s okay. I do what I can and I know if I stick to my plan, eventually things will get done.

During my historical studies, and as I researched my stories, my love for the colonial era has grown—and I didn’t think that was possible. The passion and drive for freedom was so strong—as was the desire for England to NOT let the colonies go, that the animosity and hatred between Whigs and Tories ran very strong. I had always figured that was the case, but until I started really learning about it, I had no idea how deep those emotions went. People don’t often think of the Revolution as a civil war, but it was! It tore many families apart and the animosity between sides was often very vicious. However, the colonist’s drive for freedom led them to. I love that! And I love being able to share their passion for life and liberty through my stories.

So Pure a Heart, the fourth book in my Daughters of His Kingdom series focuses on the sacrifices the Patriots made so their goal of independence could be realized. I loved researching this book and I hope that readers will enjoy reading this book as much as I loved writing it!

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

A Pacific Northwest native, Amber Lynn Perry lives in Washington state with her husband and two daughters. She studied humanities at Portland State University and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree focused on art history. As a homeschooling mom, Amber spends much of her time teaching everything from Shakespeare to science.

When she isn’t crafting with her kids, making dinner or driving to dance classes, Amber is either reading or writing about her favorite time in American history. The Revolutionary era has captured her imagination from the time she was in middle school. Through her books, Amber hopes to not only give readers a glimpse into the past, but to instill in them a lasting love of liberty.

You can find Amber on:

Amber Lynn Perry

Book Review by Bree Herron

Breathtakingly beautiful is the best description of this amazing book by Amber Lynn Perry.   For me it was the book of the year, with having my favorite time period, amazing strong female characters and a love that was so pure.

Character(s): Hannah is wonderful, seriously I adored this head strong, independent young lady that is trying so hard to heal. Though her choice in healing is scary, it is also a wonderful thing. She is relatable with her passion and moments of strength for the cause, and revenge. She learns a lesson in this revenge business that will help her to focus her heart on the Lord more, and open it to a possible love. Joseph is my new fictional crush, he is such a guy. How could Hannah not listen to him? Well, since she chooses not to, Joseph gears up to go with her on missions and protect her. He is a darling.

Cover: If this cover doesn’t just scream for a spot in the light on a shelf, I think your shelf is in need of some help then. It is just beautiful, there isn’t a way to describe the look beyond this. I love that it keeps with the ties of having a female in a period gown, with a scenery providing a fade out. This one gives me more hope with the snow, like asking to make the world new.

Setting: Hello the beginning of our nation! To be back in the Eastern side of the country through this book was delightful. I felt as though I had traveled back in time to the war, and was with Hannah throughout her missions. Like a female James Bond only in the 1700’s.

Historical and Faith: I adore the Revolutionary War, it was a period of strength and independence for our nation. It hosted amazing men and women that helped shape our country’s story. Ms.Perry uses this time period to have her story stand out among historical romance. She incorporates faith in such a way that readers of non-christian books will be able to enjoy it as well.

Style: Amber Lynn Perry creates a world within our world. I felt as though I needed my Doctor Who abilities to kick in and travel back in time. Sadly, that didn’t work but with this book and series I can travel into the pages. That to me is a sign of a strong author, the ability to move the reader into the story. This book by far is my favorite, and I adore the mix of history with romance, it is the perfect blend of reading.

Overall: If you can’t tell by now that I adore this book, then please read above. I won’t share what this book will get as a Top 2017 spot on the blog, but I can say it will be there. It re-defined the historical romance idea for me. I believe that other readers will be just as delighted as I was to dive into this book and the entire series.

I Rate it
Have a question for Amber, or a comment about her books? Share them below!
**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.
<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>
I would love to share Amber’s work with one lucky commenter. So either ask her a question or comment about her book to be entered to win an e-copy of a book by Amber!

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  • Mail-Order Revenge
  • Chasing Embers (Heart Ranch, Book 2
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  • A Murderous Marriage
  • Cat Got Your Cash
  • Spotlight: Secret Places Revealed
  • Finding Margo
  • Engaged in Trouble
  • Raining Fools
  • Chasing Embers (Heart Ranch, Book 2
  • Unbridled Murder
  • Marriage Is Pure Murder
  • The Cats Came Back

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  1. Amber Perry

    Bree!! I am blown away at this amazing review!! I can’t than you enough for your support and I am absolutely overjoyed (the jumping up and down kind!!) to know that you loved it so much!!!
    Thank you for having me. I adore your blog and it’s a true honor to be here!!!

  2. Brandy

    I’ve been captivated by this cover too! Definitely going on my TBR list.

  3. Jacqueline Kimball

    I haven’t read Amber Lynn Perry’s6 Revolutionary War series. The cover is amazing! Congrats on your new release, Amber Lynn Perry.

  4. Evangeline

    This is a new-to-me author, and I would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance to do so.

  5. Karen

    I have absolutely loved this series so far and can’t wait to read the next installment!! I love a good history/faith/romance combo!!

  6. Karen K.

    I don’t know where my comment went, so forgive me if this is a repeat. I used the wrong email address the first time anyway, so hopefully this one stays! lol

    I absolutely love Amber’s books and I can’t wait to read So Pure a Heart! I’ve really enjoyed Amber’s mix of faith, romance, and history. It’s my most favorite combination!!

    • Bree Herron

      This is a wonderful book, I am eager to share it!

  7. Andrea Stephens

    Love your review, Bree!
    I have loved this series of books. I can’t wait to read this one.
    I think it is so cool that Amber is the cover model for these books too.

  8. Jane Lebak

    Thank you! I’ve been looking for a book about the Revolutionary War for a while.

  9. Donna B

    I love this cover picture! I am looking forward to reading this book series. It sounds really interesting! Thanks for the review and giveaway.


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