Magick & Mayhem

Magick & Mayhem
  • Author: Sharon Pape
  • Publisher: Lyrical Underground
  • Print Length: 258 pages
  • Release Date: May 2, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreCozy
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

What’s in a murderer’s bag of tricks?

Twenty-something Kailyn Wilde has learned to embrace her unpredictable life as a descendant of small-town New Camel’s most magickal family. She just didn’t expect to inherit her mother and grandmother’s centuries-old shop, Abracadabra, so suddenly. The surprises keep coming when Kailyn goes to finalize the estate at the local attorney’s office—and stumbles over the body of her best friend Elise’s husband . . .

As a brash detective casts the blame on Elise, Kailyn summons her deepest powers to find answers and start an investigation of her own. What with running a business, perfecting ancient spells, and keeping up with an uninvited guest of fabled origins, Kailyn has her hands full. But with the help of her uncanny black cat Sashkatu and her muumuu-clad Aunt Tilly, she’s closing in on a killer—who will do anything to make sure she never tests her supernatural skills again!

Magick & Mayhem - banner
<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Alibis and Amethysts,the first book in Sharon Pape's Crystal Shop Mysteries, debuts on August 20th, 2013 from Berkley Intermix.Visit her website to read an excerpt. The fourth book in her Portrait of Crime Mysteries, Sketcher in the Rye, will be released on December 17th, also by Berkley Intermix. Both books are available for preorder. Sharon is also the author of three earlier novels, one of which was condensed in Redbook magazine. It was the first paperback original the magazine ever condensed. You can find Sharon on:

Sharon Pape
<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">My Interview With The Author</span></span></h2>


Welcome to the blog, Kailyn Wilde! It is great to have you stopping by today.  Your family is certainly magical and different from my family. What was it like growing up in a family this unique?

Kailyn Wilde

I didn’t think of my family as “unique” until my teens. One of my childhood friends had an uncle who was in a TV series, another friend had a father who was in and out of jail. Everyone I knew had something in their family that made them different. In my family it happened to be magick. The fact that I wasn’t allowed to use my magickal abilities or talk about magick outside my family was frustrating, but then Deirdre wasn’t supposed to talk about her dad either. Of course she did with me. To be honest, I confided in her a little about my magick. It was only fair. When I reached my teens, my mom and grandma sat me down for the “talk.” No, not that one. This talk was about my responsibilities in continuing the Wilde bloodline and the need to maintain a low profile.


I bet that was an interesting conversation! And not meaning the bird and the bees.  Now, when did you learn you had powers?

Kailyn Wilde

According to my mother, I was 10 months old and sitting at the table with my family having ice cream for dessert. I had finished my small portion, but I wanted more. Instead of having a tantrum, I focused on my mom’s dish of ice cream and tried to pull it toward me. I pulled and pulled until it flew off the table and landed on top of my head. Everyone thought it was hysterically funny, except for me. But at that age, I didn’t even know I was using magick. Understanding that I had magickal powers didn’t come until I was about four.


Oh being young and unable to understand is frustrating, just ask my three year old. What’s your favorite spell or charm to use?

Kailyn Wilde

That’s a tough one, but I think it has to be the teleporting spell. Even though I’m not proficient at it yet, it’s what sets me apart from the rest of my family. Only one ancestor of ours, who lived a long time ago, had the ability to teleport themselves or objects from one place to another.


That would be so cool! To bad I can’t teleport…hmm wonder if I can gain those skills (mumbling and plotting)…  Let’s talk business how is the shop since your first mystery?

Kailyn Wilde

At first I was worried that my time sleuthing might cause my shop to founder, but the exact opposite has been true. Solving mysteries has reinvigorated me. It feeds a different part of my brain and I have more zeal for everything I do. My reputation as an investigator has also brought in people who wouldn’t ordinarily visit a magick shop. Some of them have become my best customers.


That’s great to hear the shop is doing so well! As an avid reader, I enjoyed the details of the shop. I have looked into the future (okay I looked on Amazon) and saw that you have a new mystery coming up, what happens? Are you getting a bit better at being comfortable or is murder nothing to be normal around?

Kailyn Wilde

Yes, the second book in the Abracadabra series, That Olde White Magick, is due out November 7th. In fact, the first chapter of the book is provided at the end of Magick and Mayhem.  The whole crew is there and ready to help me investigate another murder, with plenty of hi jinks courtesy of Merlin. As for murder itself, I hope I never become jaded enough to consider it normal or feel comfortable with it.


I did get to read it! I enjoyed this first mystery and can’t wait to dive into your next one. What are you doing when you aren’t solving mysteries?

Kailyn Wilde

I’m ordering supplies, paying bills, whipping up refills of all the products I sell – lotions, potions, creams and unguents, and making time for family, felines and friends. I also spend time out in the countryside and woods gathering ingredients I need straight from nature’s market. Of course I also create new spells to help people thrive and enjoy their lives.


Yes, your spells have me thinking (love potion #9)… Cats! How’s Sashki doing?

Kailyn Wilde

Sashki is doing just fine. He fills my life with joy, in spite of his curmudgeonly ways – or perhaps because of them. He loves sunbathing on his window ledge and lording it over the other cats.


He was a cat after my own cat’s heart. Now how’s your mom and grandma doing? Still visiting?

Kailyn Wilde

Thanks for asking. They’re doing well, although I know almost nothing about their circumstances. They’re not allowed to spill the beans to those of us who are Earthbound, as they put it. But they are still very much in my life!


Earthbound, I like that! One last question as I know you are a busy gal. I feel like traveling fits with magick so Kailyn if you could go anywhere in the world, where and why?

Kailyn Wilde

I’d love to visit Camelot back when Merlin was a younger man and I could be his student. It was by all accounts a magickal time in a magickal realm.

Book Review by Bree Herron

What would you get with a bit of magick and mystery? In this book plenty! Kailyn Wilde is an interesting character with more to her than meets the eye.

Character: Kailyn Wilde is still putting her life back together after the death of her mother and grandmother. But thank goodness for Aunt Tilly. These two solving the murder were a great time. I really loved their magickal elements, and abilities. I felt like it was the bond that Sabrina the Teenage Witch had with her aunts, these two were two peas in a pod.

Cover: I loved the cover, I felt like it fit the perfect perfectly! Who doesn’t think of cats when they think of magick? Certainly, one that would jump into your line of view at the bookstore. The silhouette hosts a cute town and a with flying by, it was just what the book or

Setting: Even with murder I would want to visit New Camel. It came to life as a charming little town in my mind. I saw the streets, stores and customers milling about. It is very picturesque in the description and  Kailyn‘s store would be one I would frequent often.

Plot: Murder is always a passionate crime, no one ever killed a blueberry muffin for looking at it wrong. This was a great moment in the book, I love when our sleuths find bodies, and this was a contender for my favorite crime scene of the year. There was plenty to make the reader wonder why and who through the book.

Overall: I was pleased with this book. It is always hard to write a good magickal mystery and Ms. Pape did a stupendous job blending realism and magick. The mystery was engaging, and the characters are unforgettable. You need this magick mystery in your life!

I Rate it

Do you believe in good magick?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

Who needs some magick in their lives? Comment here for your chance to win an e-copy of this book! Giveaway closes 8/5/17 11:59 PM EST.

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  • With Love, Wherever You Are
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  • Murder at Harbor Village
  • Christmas at Swans Nest
  • Of Cats and Men
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  • Murder, Curlers, and Cream
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  1. Penney Wilfort

    This sounds very good thank you.

  2. Taryn Lee

    Love ❤️ the cover, have added to my tbr list!

  3. Marla B

    This sounds like a cute book, and I love the cover! How can you not be fond of cats and magic? [email protected]

  4. Dianne Casey

    I do believe in good magick. Would love to read the book. New author to me.

  5. Gale Wilkinson

    Sounds like a good series. Looking forward to it.

  6. Nanette Ward

    Oh this book sounds fun! Can’t wait to read it.

  7. Jennifer Muller

    I believe in good and bad magic! Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the chance!

  8. Lora Patten

    This sounds like a great read!

  9. Jamie Rasmussen

    The book sounds very good. I’ve been wanting to read it. I’m interested in herbal magic.

  10. Kathleen Kendler

    Magic is in the air.

  11. Malka Essock

    looks good! and my black cat approves of the cover model!

  12. Margaret Rushton

    The story sounds magickal! I’m not magickal but I am learning to tune into my intuition and use it fully.
    Lovely cover!

  13. Julie Fetcho

    Sounds good.

  14. Robin L. Coxon

    Thanks for the review on Magick and Mayhem. I would definitely stop and check out this
    book based on the cover. Fingers crossed on the giveaway.

  15. Cathy Satkus

    Sounds interesting.Cover is an eye catcher. Can’t wait to read it!

  16. Peggy R

    Added this book to the ever growing TBR pile. Sounds like a good read.

  17. SHELLEY S.



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