A Southern Season

Book Summary

Four seasons. Four stories. Each one set in the enchanting world of the South. These are the kinds of stories your grandmother told you from a front porch swing.

Ice Melts in Spring by Linda W. Yezak
When Kerry Graham’s boss forces her to return to the Gulf of Mexico where her husband drowned years ago, she feels only spring’s chill and not the warmth of the Texas sun. Can the joy of a reclusive author and the compassion of a shrimp-boat preacher thaw Kerry’s frigid heart?

Lillie Beth in Summer by Eva Marie Everson
With the untimely death of his wife, Dr. James Gillespie believes God has abandoned him. He also believes he’s never met anyone like the young widow Lillie Beth, whose beloved Granny lies dying at home, and who sees a God who sweeps hope through a farmhouse window. Can a young woman whose husband died in Vietnam restore a faith that is all but dead.

Through an Autumn Window by Claire Fullerton
Because her larger than life mother Daphne Goodwyn is dead, forty-year-old Cate returns to Memphis with one thought in mind: something always goes wrong at a Southern funeral. But surrounded by the well-mannered society that raised her, the nostalgic rites of a three-day, autumn mourning bring the unexpected gift of the end of sibling rivalry.

A Magnolia Blooms in Winter by Ane Mulligan
With Broadway stardom within her reach, Morgan James returns home in winter to help an old friend. Maybe it s just nostalgia, but when she sees him again, an old flame rekindles. When she s called back to NYC to take the lead in a new musical, will fame be worth losing the man she loves?

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About The Author

Claire Fullerton hails from Memphis, TN. and now lives in Malibu, CA. Her third novel, Mourning Dove, is a coming of age, Southern family saga set in Memphis. Mourning Dove is the bronze medal winner in Southern Fiction by Readers' Favorite, a finalist in the Independent Authors Network Literary/General Fiction category, a Faulkner Society, William Wisdom contest semi-finalist, and a 2018 finalist in the Literary Classics Book Award. Claire is one of four contributors to the book, A Southern Season, with her novella, Through an Autumn Window. She the author of Dancing to an Irish Reel, set in Connemara, Ireland, and A Portal in Time set in Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA. She is represented by Julie Gwinn, of The Seymour Literary Agency, and can be found on WordPress, Twitter (cfullerton3) Goodreads, Instagram ( cffullerton) as well as the website under her name.

Claire Fullerton

Eva Marie Everson is a multiple-award winning author and speaker who hails from the picturesque Southern town of Sylvania, Georgia. She is president of Word Weavers International, director of Florida Christian Writers Conference, Managing Editor at Firefly Southern Fiction, and enjoys coaching new authors through her company, Pen in Hand. She is an avid photographer who enjoys turning her photos into inspiring memes for you to share (with proper attribution). Eva Marie and her husband make their home in Central Florida. They are the parents of three fabulous children who have blessed them with the world's greatest grandchildren.

Eva Marie Everson

While a large, floppy straw hat is her favorite, Ane has worn many different ones: hairdresser, legislative affairs director (that's a fancy name for a lobbyist), drama director, playwright, humor columnist, and novelist. Her lifetime experience provides a plethora of fodder for her Southern-fried fiction (try saying that three times fast).

Ane firmly believes coffee and chocolate are two of the four major food groups. Her passion when she isn't writing her Southern-fried Fiction, is Community Theatre. She's Creative Director of Players Guild@Sugar Hill, an avocational non-profit theatre group, where she and her husband act, direct, build sets, and are chief gofors.

Contributor to the award-winning literary site, Novel Rocket, Ane resides in Sugar Hill, GA, with her artist husband, her chef son, and a wooly mammoth.

Ane Mulligan

Linda W. Yezak lives with her husband and their funky feline, PB, in a forest in deep East Texas, where tall tales abound and exaggeration is an art form. She has a deep and abiding love for her Lord, her family, and salted caramel. And coffee--with a caramel creamer. Author of award-winning books and short stories, she didn't begin writing professionally until she turned fifty. Taking on a new career every half century is a good thing.

Linda's writing grabs attention from readers and critics alike. Her first novel, Give the Lady a Ride, won the 2011 Grace Award and was a finalist in both the ACFW Genesis and Carol Award contests. The Cat Lady's Secret was also a Genesis Award finalist in 2010, and The Final Ride won the 2017 Texas Association of Authors Best Fiction Award in the Christian Fiction category. Saturday Evening Post gave her short story, "Slider," an honorary mention and published it in their America's Great Fiction Contest.

A self-described nut, she says, "I keep my feet candy-coated, because there's no telling when one or both will land in my mouth."

Candy flavor of choice? "Peppermint. Chocolate melts too fast."

Her primary claim to fame is her remarkable ability to walk with her feet in her mouth.

Linda W Yezak

Book Review by Bree Herron

It was a breeze to read this collection and enjoy each story. I liked that it was short and truly sweet reads, that still managed to engage me as the reader. The idea of a season for each story was a great way to divide the stories and make them unique. 

Ice Melts in Spring,was slightly intense for me. To think of having to be brave and face where your loved one died is something that I haven’t read before in a book. I love that Kate had this stone heart personality and it morphed into a heart and soul ready to begin again. It was a great story about starting over with a new leaf in life. 

Lillie Beth in the Summer was more of a male perspective at times than my usual reads, but it made it stand out in my mind more. I love the name Lillie Beth, and that had me right from the start. There is many stories happening in this one story and I really like the different time setting and perspecitves. 

Through an Autumn Window was probably my favorite story. I love the season that was for this story, and was enjoying a PSL while reading it. But let’s be real I don’t need a good book to drink a PSL. This was a story about mending and rebuilding, one that struck a chord with me. I just really enjoyed this story.

A Magnolia Blooms in Winter can love withstand life choices and chances? I love the NYC moments as it called to my little heart as a nice reminder of living there. I love that the old saying you can always go back home was a point in this story. It was a soft and sweet novel that had the perfect blend of settings.


I Rate it

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.


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