Walk It Out

Walk it Out
  • Author: Tricia Goyer
  • Publisher: David C. Cook
  • Print Length: 225 pages
  • Release Date: October 1, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Women often pack their lives with family, friends, and faithful service, yet still end up feeling empty and unfulfilled. In Walk It Out, Tricia Goyer demonstrates to women that walking out the mandates of Scripture allows God to spark passion and mission within them.

Whether believers realize it or not, God intended for them to do what the Bible says: adopt the orphan, take the gospel into all the world, and care for the needy. These are mandates that point believers down the path of true living and eternal life.

Sometimes those steps are easy, but many times they require a move outside of what feels safe or secure. When women stop focusing on their own dreams and purposes, and instead focus on God’s dreams and purposes, everything changes.

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<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Tricia Goyer is a driven, passionate and charismatic author with a detail-focused approach to her unique blend of storytelling. A prolific writer, she's published well over 55 books, including her debut novel, From Dust and Ashes, which was about the liberation of the Mauthausen Concentration camp in Austria at the end of World War II. Tricia traveled to the actual location and interviewed over 100 veterans to collect their remarkable experiences…passing them on to a new generation of readers. Tricia puts the same dedication and detail into every book she writes.

Tricia's writing style is vivid and heartwarming, allowing readers to take home more than engaging stories, but also incredibly inspiring messages of faith and hope. Her goal is to write stories that matter. Tricia Goyer is a homeschooling mom of ten, grandmother of two, and wife to John. With a busy life she understand the importance of making every word count.

To find out more about Tricia go to:

Tricia Goyer

Book Review by Bree Herron

I never knew I was missing this book until I read it. My heart always had this small part that just didn’t seem to fit, and after reading this book, now my heart feels lighter and brighter.


It’s a walk in the woods, you can feel the crisp air. I smell the fallen leaves, the morning dew and fog. I feel God’s presence each time I hold this book. The words between this cover will speak to any soul, there is something for any woman, lost soul or a solid foundation.

Enjoyable Moments

I didn’t feel alone. For the first in a long time I didn’t feel judged in a Christian setting, I felt wanted. That was the overall feeling of this book, that we are still loved and wanted that mistakes have happened but we can grow and be forgiven and live God’s words. It is a book that was a simple yet huge reminder that His love for us knows no boundaries, that we need to release the binding that holds us back from allowing His love into our lives. Just be there for God.


It is a wonder that this book hasn’t been done before, and women haven’t felt called to have such a book. We are truly blessed to have this book in the world. God has our plan set, we just need to get out of our own way, and accept, and listen. We need to open ourselves to God and say ” take this on with me, allow me to feel your words”. I think if we give this a chance we will see a brighter light, and you will be that bright light.

I Rate it

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

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