Amish Brides

Amish Brides
  • Author: Molly Jebber
  • Publisher: Kensington
  • Print Length: 352 pages
  • Release Date: May 30, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Molly Jebber
Madeline Lehman fears her fiancé’s family will never accept her because of her rebellious sister. She’s postponed her wedding to Joshua Stutzman until they see the truth. But when Maddie adopts her sister’s abandoned baby, can she and Joshua find a way to unite their families through forgiveness as well as love?

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<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Molly Jebber writes Amish Historical Romances. Her books have been featured in USA Today’s HEA column, and “Change of Heart” made Publisher’s Weekly’s Best Ten List in spring of 2015, and her books have received 4.5 star ratings from Romantic Times. She’s on Romance Writers of America’s Honor Roll and she receives rave reviews in numerous magazines and media across the country.

She’s a touring speaker for Women’s Christian Connection, and she speaks to many other groups about Amish history and their traditions, writing, marketing, publishing, and about her books.

Her keepsake pocket quilt series, “Change of Heart”, “Grace’s Forgiveness” and “The Amish Christmas Sleigh” are available in print in stores and in ebook formats. “Two Suitors for Anna” releases January 31, 2017, and “Amish Brides” releases May 31, 2017 in stores and ebook. She’s just signed a new contract for four new books! Visit for a complete list of her books and speaking events.

A bit about me . . . .

I was raised in a small town in Ohio. If you had blinked twice, you would've missed it. It's grown by leaps and bounds. I've always found the Amish life interesting. I've enjoyed the many times I've visited their communities and learned about their lifestyle. Creating historical Amish characters and throwing them into difficult situations and joyous times has been challenging and fun. The greatest reward I've experienced in becoming an author is meeting wonderful people from all over the world who've been encouraging and supportive.

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Molly Jebber

Book Review by Bree Herron

I was eager to read these three novellas. I have enjoyed two out of the three authors before, and was excited to read the new author’s story. For the purpose of this review, I am focusing on Molly Jebber’s story Joshua’s Bride.

Molly Jebber created a unique family dynamic set in the 1880’s. I was eager to see if where the story would go,and it wasn’t a disappoint. Joshua’s family was hurt deeply by Madeline’s sister. Madeline is the girl, Joshua wants to marry. Sorry, spoiler! She is so sweet and darling, that I was all for Madeline throughout the story. I loved her patient and kind demeanor that she kept through it all. This was the point of the story, love is patient and love is kind.

Love is healing in this novella story set in the 1880 Amish country! Share on X

The point of the story was mentioned and the humming theme throughout the story. It ends the way a reader would like, and sometimes it takes a bit for families to heal. The heart maybe healed in different ways for everyone, and that was another point in this story. Love can heal, it just heals in different form.

I wished this wasn’t a short novella, and would love to see more historical Amish stories from Molly. It was interesting to read historical points that she made. I would love to read the story of Nathaniel and his healing heart.

I Rate it

Amish stories: Contemporary or Historical?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

To celebrate her tour, Molly is giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card!  Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!  Find out all the details and enter to WIN at Amish Brides Celebration Tour Giveaway!

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NetGalley Professional Reader Frequently Auto-Approved 200 Book Reviews 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Great Escape Tour Host BethanyHouse Blogger Reviewer

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  1. Emma

    I don’t normally read Amish fiction, either contemporary or historical! This does sound like an interesting collection, though.

  2. Rory Lynn Lemond

    This sounds like a wonderful story about the Amish..I really enjoy their stories.

  3. Heidi Robbins

    Great review! I enjoy reading Amish fiction.

    • Bree Herron

      It is quite fun to read! I have another Amish book up this week

  4. Lucy Reynolds

    Love Molly’s books. What a great collection. Thank you.


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