Top 12 Christian Authors to Watch in 2017
Christian authors are going to own the new year. If only my passport could be filled with fictional traveling, I would be collecting my stamps. It is with great honor and excitement that I share the authors of 2017 to watch. I know we have amazing authors throughout this group and these are just a few that I personally enjoy. But to all the Christian authors, new, old, on the list or not you are amazing and you will be rocking the new year! Here is to reading faith filled stories that build a reader up!
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.
–Charles W. Eliot

Chautona Havig
Chautona is the book on the bookshelf that is just as pretty as it is enjoyable. She has works that make a reader laugh, pieces that make a reader cry, and everything in between. Her gift of being a talented writer is a gift to us all, and her continuing to share stories with us is what I look forward to in the year 2017. She released a book that she is so passionate about on New Year’s Eve. And from this reader to other readers, it is great! Check out New Year’s Revolutions and start your own revolution today!

Vannetta Chapman
Vannetta is one of my top three choices in Amish fiction. In fact, she is in my top five favorite Christian authors. That said I am sure that almost everyone that follows this blog, has read one of her books and felt the same way I have. Wow. No matter which series, which sub-genre of her work you read, wow is the answer to the way they make you feel. Vannetta has Raging Storm (The Remnant Book 2) coming out early this year and then she has an Amish mystery, What the Bishop Saw out this spring. She is going to be delighting this reader all year long!

Amy Clipston
Amy is one of my other Amish author favorites. That being said, her work certainly makes her a favorite among other readers as well. She charms the reader with her characters and their stories. I always feel a sense of calm when reading Amy’s work no matter what is happening, her words guide you like a beacon of light. Amy has new release this coming spring, The Beloved Hope Chest this will be a great new book to any Amish fiction fans collection.

Roseanna M. White
I was the saddest Downton Abbey fan when the show came to an end. I have re-watched it three times at least on Amazon. And then I found Roseanna, and her work filled that void. Her work spans historical fiction, and she gives such faith to her characters, that I can only image what level her personal faith is. Roseanna is bringing us a new series with A Name Unknown (Shadows over England). Where I am sure that this reader will find a new reason to love her work.
Angela Breidenbach
I am so excited for the coming year and all the adventures Angela is going to have. She and Muse always have something on the writing block and between the new covers of some past favorites and her podcast, many fan can be held over till the new releases. I hope you check out my personal favorite that started it all in my fan-girl moments of Angela, Gems of Wisdom is her nonfiction work that is a real eye opener into many aspects of your personal life. And look for the interview with Angela on the collaboration of The Bucket List Dare.
Marguerite Martin Gray
Marguerite is a glorious writer. She found her calling in writing Revolutionary period works. And it is like traveling back in time with each book. She has such a great way of focusing on a certain geographical area, and providing such vivid details that you will feel as though you have settled back in time. I look forward to what works she has coming later this year, and having her interview on the blog this year!
Jill Kemerer
I am slow to joining the Jill fan club, but I got there! Wow, another author for me to constantly want to read, and I will be doing any and all back reading while I wait for the release of her next book. Jill writes for the Love Inspired Series, and she is certainly inspiring this gal with her love and faith filled stories.
Liz Johnson
If you haven’t read anything by Liz. Stop. Go to Amazon and find her books! Her Prince Edward Island Dream series, will melt the heart of any romance fan and her Love Inspired Suspense books are so other best I have ever read from that publishing group. So I am attempting to type while having such excitement on the release of On Love’s Gentle Shore (Prince Edward Island Dream,3) my summer just got better with knowing her book will release then. I promise if you are looking for a series that will melt the cold away, this series is the one to grab.
Amber Lynn Perry
Want to meet your new favorite Christian and Historical fiction author? Well, here she is! Boy, do her books take you back in time and provide you with such moments of love for the words and characters that you can’t help but read the next book and the next within hours of each other. Amber is certainly a bright, young author making her mark in this coming year with book four So Pure a Heart. I look forward to the new release and having Amber on the blog in the coming year!
Rachel Dylan
If you enjoy thrillers with faith weaved with law and order, this is going to be your favorite author. Rachel knows her law, her faith, and her mysteries. She creates such stories that keep this reader up at night, reading to finish it! I am excited to say she has a new release very soon, Fatal Accusation (book 2) and it will be a new suspense favorite.
Carrie Fancett Pagels
Be still my excited heart, when it comes to this year and Carrie. Carrie is bringing us a whole new series! Carrie makes the best characters, some have even visited the blog and they were a hoot! I can’t wait to read My Heart Belongs on Mackinac Island as many of my favorite cozies have also taken place on this island. I feel a calling to visit soon. I love when Carrie is part of a collection of novellas and the release of Seven Brides for Seven Mail-Order Husbands is sure to be fun to read.
Jessica R. Patch
Jessica is amazing. There no more, no honestly though her work is the kind that you may pick up on a whim (Love Inspired Suspense, Walmart,etc.) and you will be morphing into a huge fan. She just released as of January 1.2017 the latest in her Love Inspired Suspense work and wow, the review is coming. Concealed Identity, where this gal was excited for it’s release I am so excited to have Beckett’s story coming also this month in Final Verdict. Looking forward to a beautiful year for Jessica and her releases.
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Wow, I am so humbled and amazed to be on this list, Bree!!! What a beautiful New Year’s 2017 surprise to see my name!!! I am so glad you are looking forward to my upcoming stories, the novel “My Heart Belongs on Mackinac Island: Maude’s Mooring,” and my novella, “Dime Novel Suitor” in Seven Brides for Seven Mail-Order Brides! I’m really looking forward to them releasing this summer, too! Lovely to be in the company of some of my fave authors up there on your list, too, Bree! Many blessings!!!
Such amazing authors! Some of them are new to me, and some of them I already know.
Bree!!! Your blog is FABULOUS!!! I can’t tell you how grateful I am be included in this list–thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Hanging out with you on June 23 is going to be a fun day!! Thank you so much for being willing to have me on, I can’t wait! Hugs coming your way!!! <3 <3
Thank you for including me. You just made my day. I’m honored to share a list with such wonderful authors!
Are there really no male authors to watch?
I would love to share a few men I did find, my list is authors that have highly anticipated new releases for this coming year. It has nothing to do with male or female. Here is some male christian authors that have upcoming releases there are a few, and I hope there is some that you enjoy, if you know of any Male Christian Authors releasing a new book this year I would love to know what book, so I may check it out. Also I highly recommend Phil Gulley, he has some amazing series but no committed release for the year. Happy Reading! 🙂
Richard Paul Evans-The Broken Road
Micheal Phillips and Judith Pella- My Father’s World (Book one of four that release these next coming months)
Frank Peretti-Infestation
Alton Gansky-The Fog
I am so late getting here, but–wow!!–thank you for including me! I’m adding a few of these names o my TBR list!