My Heart Belongs in Ruby City, Idaho

My Heart Belongs in Ruby CIty, Idaho
  • Author: Susanne Dietze
  • Publisher: Barbour Books
  • Print Length: 256 pages
  • Release Date: May 1, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Journey now to Ruby City, Idaho of 1866 where…
A Marriage Mishap Creates an Awkward Love Triangle in this Silver Mining Town

Looking forward to a quiet life and a full stomach, mail-order bride Rebecca Rice is pleased to marry her shopkeeper intended, Mr. Fordham, until the justice of the peace calls him Thaddeus, not Theodore—proceeded by the title Deputy.

Is it possible to marry the wrong man?

When the newlyweds realize they’ve married the wrong partners with similar names, an annulment seems in order—and fast, since Rebecca’s true intended is impatient to claim her as his own, not to mention Rebecca would never marry a lawman like her father. But when the legalities take longer than expected, Rebecca wonders if Tad wasn’t the right husband for her all along. . . .

More from My Heart Belongs in Series…
My Heart Belongs in Fort Bliss: Priscilla’s Reveille by Erica Vetsch (January 2017)
My Heart Belongs in the Superstition Mountains: Carmella’s Quandary by Susan Page Davis (March 2017)
My Heart Belongs on Mackinac Island: Maude’s Mooring by Carrie Fancett Pagels (July 2017)
My Heart Belongs in the Shenandoah Valley: Lily’s Dilemma by Andrea Boeshaar (September 2017)

My Heart Belongs in Ruby City, Idaho: Rebecca's Plight - banner
<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Susanne Dietze began writing love stories in high school, casting her friends in the starring roles. Today, she's the award-winning author of a dozen new and upcoming historical romances. A pastor's wife and mom of two, she loves fancy-schmancy tea parties, the beach, and curling up on the couch with a costume drama and a plate of nachos. You can visit her on her website,, and sign up for her newsletter for an occasional cheery hello: You can find Susanne on:

Susanne Dietze

Book Review by Bree Herron

What’s a girl to do in order to survive? Would you travel to be a mail order bride? Well, Rebecca did and boy did she gain an adventure!

Picture it you have just been robbed at gun point by outlaws, and finally think you are marrying the man you are suppose to marry. Until, you find out that was suppose to be his cousin. Lord, this book had me in giggles. Poor Rebecca trying so hard to keep herself together through this crazy mix up and to honestly try hard not to fall in love with Tad her current husband. You may ask well doesn’t falling in love come as a perk to being a mail order bride? Yes, but not when you were suppose to marry Ted. See the confusion? Now, hopefully this is bringing a giggle to you or at least a smile. The entire book does this, and yet it has the romance and a shoot out. It is the perfect package of a book.

One great detail that played through out the book was the attention to the time period. Susanne does a great job of bringing the new frontier to life for her readers, it was very vivid and it was very well written. She gave specifics to what was going on around the area during the time, such as robbers, and miners. It made this more than just a humorous romance. The romance was darling, and let’s just say it ends the way it is suppose to, with two strong and kind characters completely their love story.

I Rate it

Do you enjoy historical fiction?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

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1 Comment

  1. Susanne Dietze

    Thank you so much for your wonderful review! I’m so grateful you got the giggles reading the book. 🙂 I’m also grateful for you taking the time to read and share–it’s a lot of work and you’re a busy lady!

    Hope your week is off to a great start. Thank you!


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