Tea Time Tuesday

A Just Clause

Every Tuesday come join me as I discuss a recent cozy mystery in review and have Goûter (tea time). Readers can enjoy a thoughtful review while sipping on their favorite teas, they may find new teas to love as well. I will be recommending a good tea for each book. Come cozy up with Tea Time Tuesday.

Nothing brings a family closer than a murder or two. In this mystery Tricia and Angelica are both hard at work in their community with a famous author and then death comes knocking. Along with their estranged father and then uptight mother, these two sisters will be put to the test.

I really loved reading this mystery and sipping iced mint tea. It was refreshing and perfect with the jazz music in the background.

This Week’s Tea Time Tuesday

A Just Clause

A Booktown Mystery, Book 11

by Lorna Barrett

  • Author: Lorna Barrett
  • Publisher: Berkley Prime Crime
  • Print Length: 313 pages
  • Release Date: June 13, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreCozy

Book Summary

Just when things are getting back to normal in Booktown, Tricia and Angelica have their lives turned upside down by a shocking visitor from their past in this latest entry in Lorna Barrett’s New York Times bestselling series. 

Tricia Miles, mystery bookstore owner and amateur sleuth, is in for a surprise when her ne’er-do-well father, John, comes to town—and promptly becomes a prime suspect in the murder of a woman with her own scandalous past. Even Tricia’s faith in the old man is shaken when the Stoneham police break the news that her father is a known con man who has done jail time.

But what about bestselling thriller author Steven Richardson? Is it a coincidence that he arrived for a book signing just before the crime or that the victim was found with a signed copy of his latest bestseller?

From merlot to murder, Tricia is determined to clear the family name before another body shows up and ruins Stoneham’s first—and highly anticipated—wine and jazz festival.

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner"> This Week's Tea & Cozy Mystery Author</span></span></h2>

The immensely popular Booktown Mystery series is what put Lorraine Bartlett’s pen name Lorna Barrett on the New York Times Bestseller list, but it’s her talent -- whether writing as Lorna, or L.L. Bartlett, or Lorraine Bartlett -- that keeps her there. This multi-published, Agatha-nominated author pens the exciting Jeff Resnick Mysteries as well as the acclaimed Victoria Square Mystery series, and now the Tales of Telenia fantasy saga, and has many short stories and novellas to her name(s).  She lives in Rochester, NY, with her husband and three cats.

Indulge yourself today! Pick up a Lorraine Bartlett book!

For more information about Lorraine and her books check out the descriptions and links to all her works, and sign up for her emailed newsletter

Lorraine Bartlett / Lorna Barrett

Book Review by Bree Herron

Murder, it is such a cozy word (hmmm, not). Murder in facts delivers more than just a dead body in this installment of A Booktown Mystery. We have a family coming together on not common ground, a few good women feeling scorned, and a jazz festival that will make a reader want to jump into the pages. Lets just say that I am one happy reader to be back in one of my favorite fictional towns in this book.

Enjoyable Moments

Tricia and her mom haven’t gotten along since well, forever. But there is a point in this book where the momma bear comes out to take care of business. It not only surprises Tricia but also the readers. Okay, I was rooting for a tough mom moment once she showed up but didn’t imagine her shining moment to be so epic.


Booktown is one of the top five prettiest towns in New Hampshire (okay, it is fictional sadly). If you haven’t visited it yet via this series you are missing a charming town based on bookish names and thrills. It is always relaxing to stop by and socialize with the community. Even with a murder mystery or two.


Overall, nothing like a good double murder to bring family together. The story flows smoothly and ties into each plot and suspect moment perfectly to deliver a delightful mystery. The best part was the characters, I adore the sisters but couldn’t help but love the family dynamic (lacking or not). It was a full circle of healing and connecting for Tricia and Angelica.

Readers that enjoy mysteries with pizazz will love this book! It will keep you guessing, and seeking out clues.

I Rate it

It is my pleasure to offer a copy of the book for giveaway. Simply comment on what shop you would visit in Booktown, or why you want to visit such a place to be entered.

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away eight prizes including the complete print set of the Texas Romance series! Find out all the details and enter to WIN at At Liberty to Love Celebration Tour Giveaway.

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NetGalley Professional Reader Frequently Auto-Approved 200 Book Reviews 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Great Escape Tour Host BethanyHouse Blogger Reviewer

Peruse My Other Reviews

  • Minding the Light
  • Ties that Blind
  • You Are Free
  • Christmas Lights: A Collection of Inspiring Christmas Novellas
  • The Cats Came Back
  • The Highlander Who Protected Me
  • No Charm Intended
  • Protective Duty
  • The Spirit in Question
  • An Hour Unspent
  • Twelve Angry Librarians
  • 30 Second Death
  • Fatality by Firelight
  • Cozy Holiday Reads Part 1
  • Tightropes and Teeter-Totters
  • Bones to Pick
  • Death by Pumpkin Spice
  • Occult and Battery
  • Duel for Christmas
  • Looking Glass Lies
  • An Act of Murder
  • My Daughter's Legacy
  • Hollywood Homicide
  • No Stone Unturned
  • Chosen People
  • The Dog Who was There
  • The Theory of Happily Ever After
  • A Dream of Death
  • A Letter from Lancaster County
  • Spotlight: Secret Places Revealed
  • Audio Book Spotlight: Murder Strikes A Pose
  • An Amish Spring
  • Dial M for Mousse
  • I Am My Beloved
  • The Spirit in Question
  • Bearly Departed

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  1. Candace knight

    I love this series. I would visit every single store and also live there. It would be a dream come true. I would especially want to visit Tricia’s store after it is redone from the fire.

  2. KellyL

    I would love to visit Tricia’s store, Haven’t Got a Clue, followed by a visit to The Patisserie for a pastry.

  3. Marci Konecny

    Thank you for the review. It sounds like a great book!

  4. Kay Garrett

    I have to visit the mystery bookstore of course. 🙂 I’d love to explore all the shops in the quaint town of Booktown, but I’d naturally be drawn to the bookstore and the cozy section most of all. I could see spending a vacation in this town and getting to know the townspeople better. I am drawn to small town USA and the laid back feel that they emit. It’s where you can slow down, relax and breath taking time to see all the wonders and beauty of the surroundings.

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy of “A Just Clause” by Lorna Barrett.

  5. Dianne Casey

    I haven’t read this series yet, but I would have to visit the mystery bookstore. I’m looking forward to reading to starting this series.

  6. Debbie Price

    The bookstore! How could I not?
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. johnna smith

    I would like to visit all of the shops but most especially the Mystery bookstore

  8. Autumn Trapani

    I haven’t started this series yet (although I have several of the books), but I would definitely visit the mystery bookstore first. Thanks for the chance to win!


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