Blogger Spotlight—Brooke Bumgardner

When I started to read cozy mysteries, Brooke was one of the blogger/reviewers that I came across and instantly loved! She has a great blog, a knack for words and is always supportive of the book world. I hope you enjoy getting to meet Brooke!

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About Brooke Bumgardner</span></span></h2>

Brooke BumgardnerHello! I’m Brooke, I’m 33 years old, and I live in small-town Ohio with my loving little family. Thank you so much for visiting Brooke Blogs! I’m excited to tell you a little about me and why I blog. I have a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, and I work as the teen & children’s program specialist at my local public library. I have a great boyfriend, Donny. I have two daughters: Keira is 14 years old and Natalie is 5 years old. I am also starting my own business: The Bee’s Knees VA, where I take care of the small things, so you can focus on what you love.

I am an avid reader! My Kindle is never far from me. I love to play games on Club Pogo. I really like technology. Whenever I have spare time, which is rare ;),  I follow several blogs and like learning how others raise their families, as well as learning about new products and services through blogs.

You can find or contact me at:

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">My Interview With Brooke</span></span></h2>


Thank you for joining me today on the blog! Brooke, you are a star of a blogger in the Cozy Mystery world. Many know you as a queen with words to help guide us to books we will love, but do you blog about other books or products?

Brooke Bumgardner

Hi Bree! Thank you so much for having me as a guest on Bibliophile Reviews, I’m so pleased to be here. Cozy mystery books are my favorite books to blog about, but I also enjoy blogging about romance, young adult, thriller/suspense, and even some science fiction/fantasy books. I also like to review products I’ve received, including beauty items and movies.


Care to share a bit about the blog?

Brooke Bumgardner

After following many “mom bloggers”, I thought to myself that I could totally do that. I started Brooke Blogs in September 2012, and shortly thereafter found out that book blogging was a thing. Blogging is a great hobby that lets me combine some of my favorite things: books, reviews, and giveaways. My blog lets me share my opinions with the world and I love being a part of the blogging community!


I know I am a huge fan of your book reviews, are you a fan of any other book blogs?

Brooke Bumgardner

Thank you! Oh, yes! Three of my favorites are Escape With Dollycas, Dru’s Book Musings, and Carstairs Considers, though there are many more that I love following.


Why did you decide to begin blogging?

Brooke Bumgardner

I started blogging when my younger daughter was 1. I was home with her all day and I wanted an outlet, a community that I could be a part of, and blogging fit the bill.


How do you stay organized as a mom and blogger? Apps? Planner?

Brooke Bumgardner

Google calendar + paper planners are my friends. I have a lot to keep track of: blog posts, my virtual assistant business, school/activities with my kids, and working full time at the library. I have a color code that I use in Google calendar for all of my blog posts, so I know just what kind of posts I have coming up. For day-to-day things, it is much easier for me to see everything written down in a planner.


What are some tips you would give to those just starting out or thinking of book blogging?

Brooke Bumgardner

Do not overbook yourself. Make sure you have enough time to read the book or review a product before committing to putting it in your schedule. Really get to know your readers. Without them, you wouldn’t be blogging.


What has been your favorite book in the past year to review?

Brooke Bumgardner

Oh, what a hard question! If I have to choose just one… A Dark and Stormy Murder by Julia Buckley just blew me away.


Oh, I have to agree that book was fantastic! What book are you most looking forward to reading?

Brooke Bumgardner

Death in Dark Blue by Julia Buckley, the second in the Writer’s Apprentice Mystery series.


Yes, that is a highly anticipated cozy! What does a day look like in your life?

Brooke Bumgardner


  • Mildly controlled chaos. 😉
  • Wake up and get the girls off to school
  • Head to work at the library (where I am the teen & children’s program specialist)
  • I usually spend the morning planning programming and the afternoon taking care of the collection (weeding books, shelving, etc.) and I always read at lunch.
  • I head home and have dinner with my family. In the fall and spring, sometimes I head to my older daughter’s cross country or track meets.
  • After dinner, I spend some time preparing blog posts or working on virtual assistant jobs for my clients.
  • I get the girls to bed and relax until I head to bed.
  • I read every night before bed. Even if I am so tired that I only make it through a couple of sentences, I *have* to read.




That sounds about right for a busy mom! How do you unplug?

Brooke Bumgardner

I never leave home without a book or my Kindle. I like playing games on, adult coloring, and watching shows/movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime.


So, we recently had a Superhero day at the high school. I’m curious, if you were a superhero what would your name be, and what would your powers be?

Brooke Bumgardner

Ms. Speedreader ~ I would have the ability to read a cozy book in half an hour.


Now that would be the coolest superpower! I have enjoyed having you on the blog today! Thank you for sharing with us about your blog, and a bit more about you!

Brooke Bumgardner

You’re welcome! Thank you again for having me.

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NetGalley Professional Reader Frequently Auto-Approved 200 Book Reviews 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Great Escape Tour Host BethanyHouse Blogger Reviewer

Peruse My Other Reviews

  • Oh Holy Fright
  • Soul’s Cry
  • Spotlight: Love Everlasting
  • Running
  • Ruth: Redeeming the Darkness
  • Death by Pumpkin Spice
  • A Lady in Defiance
  • No Small Storms
  • The Final Fondue - Maya Corrigan
  • A Panicked Premonition
  • Brunch at Bittersweet Cafe
  • Firecrackered: An Essie Cobb Senior Sleuth Mystery
  • Author Spotlight - Katherine Bolger Hyde
  • A Pinch of Poison
  • The Secret Admirer- Romance Collection
  • Magickal Mystery Lore
  • Minding the Light
  • Grimoires, Spas & Chocolate Straws
  • High Cotton
  • Premeditated Peppermint
  • Highlands
  • BookBlast: Hightail It to Kinsey Falls
  • A Brush with Shadows
  • Heart on the Line
  • In The Market For Murder
  • Love by the Numbers
  • Top 12 Christian Books of 2016
  • Concealed Identity
  • Whiskers in the Dark
  • Dare to Begin Again
  • Chasing Embers (Heart Ranch, Book 2
  • To Gain a Mommy
  • Dare to Dream Again
  • A Plain & Simple Christmas
  • Buried Secrets
  • Shades of Wrath

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  1. Brooke Bumgardner

    Thank you so much for having me on Bibliophile Reviews! I really enjoyed our interview. 🙂

    • Bree Herron

      Thanks for stopping by Brooke! It was great to have you!

  2. Ellen Byron

    I really enjoyed learning more about you, Brooke!

    • Bree Herron

      Thanks for stopping by Ellen, I happy you got to learn more about Brooke!


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