The Final Vow

The Final Vow---A Living History Museum Mystery
  • Author: Amanda Flower
  • Publisher: Midnight Ink
  • Print Length: 292 pages
  • Release Date: May 8, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreCozy
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Summer weddings at Barton Farm’s picturesque church were standard procedure for museum director Kelsey Cambridge—until the Cherry Foundation, which supports the museum, ordered Kelsey to host her ex-husband’s wedding on Farm grounds.

Ambitious wedding planner Vianna Pine is determined to make the bride’s Civil War-themed wedding perfect. But each time Vianna’s vision threatens the integrity and safety of the Farm, Kelsey has to intervene. And when she finds Vianna’s dead body at the foot of the church steps, everyone’s plans fall apart. With both the wedding and Barton Farm at risk of being permanently shut down, Kelsey has to work hard to save her own happily ever after.

The Final Vow---A Living History Museum Mystery - banner
<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Amanda Flower, a national bestselling and Agatha Award winning mystery author, started her writing career in elementary school when she read a story she wrote to her sixth grade class and had the class in stitches with her description of being stuck on the top of a Ferris wheel. She knew at that moment she’d found her calling of making people laugh with her words. She also writes mysteries as USA Today bestselling author Isabella Alan. In addition to being an author, Amanda is librarian in Northeast Ohio.

Visit Amanda at and follow her on Social Media at: 

Amanda Flower
<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">My Interview With The Author</span></span></h2>


Hi Amanda I am so happy to have you on Bibliophile Reviews. Let’s jump right into some questions. We are celebrating the release of The Final Vow. How was this book to write? Did the editors have fun helping out?

Amanda Flower

Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to be here! The Final Vow was so much fun to write. I knew from the beginning of the series that the third book would center around the wedding of Kelsey’s ex-husband to another woman. What I didn’t know was that Kelsey would get stuck planning that wedding. And yes, the Editors Cheeps and Tummy were a great help as always!


I love those two, they brighten up my Instagram! What is the one thing you want readers to know about  The Final Vow, any details that will jump out at them?

Amanda Flower

For this series, I want readers to notice the most how the people who work at Barton Farm are really a family. Everyone chips in and cares for the each other. They might be an odd family with members from all sorts of backgrounds, but they all love history and each other.


Being an author must be exciting, what was the first feeling you had when you hit submit on the final edits of the book?

Amanda Flower

The first feeling is relief. I am on a pretty tight writing schedule, so any time I turn it a book, if it’s a fresh manuscript or final edits, I am happy and very much relieved to have it out of my hands for a bit.


I have enjoyed reading all your books, in their respective series, and you have a new series starting, care to share a bit about that?

Amanda Flower

I have two new series that readers will see at the end of 2017 and in 2018. The first of these is the Amish Candy Shop Mystery Series that I’m writing for Kensington. The first novel in the series it called Assaulted Caramel and it about a NYC chocolatier who visits her Amish grandparents in Ohio and then gets tangled up in a murder. The second new series, which is coming in 2018 from Crooked Lane, is the Forgotten Garden Mystery Series. This series is about a Nashville woman who is dumped just before her wedding to a wannabe country music star and learns that she inherits a secret garden in Scotland…. Oh, and just so happens the garden is magical and has a dead guy in the middle of it too.


I look forward to both series, I am eager for more books from you. What are you currently working on?

Amanda Flower

Currently, I am working on Death at Duncreigan, which will be the first novel in the Forgotten Garden Mysteries. I am having a blast writing this one, and researching it will be fun too.  I’m will be leaving for Scotland soon to research this novel. I know, I know, such a tough life.


My finally question is off the topic of books, how does Spring make you feel?

Amanda Flower

I absolutely love spring! It makes me feel joyful. I am very much a nature girl, and spring tells me that soon I can be outside as much as I want because of warmer temperatures.  And then there are the flowers. I love flowers. I love growing them, taking photos of them, and just enjoying them. It’s a very convenient obsession to have considering my last name.


Yes, your last name certainly brings to mind a beautiful season, and makes it easy for readers to recall your books. Thanks Amanda for stopping by, and I wish you all the five stars in the book world towards The Final Vow.

Amanda Flower

Thank you so much!! Happy reading all!

Book Review by Bree Herron

When it comes to making a reader want more Amanda Flower has a knack for it. I eagerly read any book by her, and then wait impatiently for another release. The Final Vow was a beautiful mystery, yes I did say beautiful.

Though I have to agree with Laura, Kelsey will have her wedding to the right man one day, a girls gotta have faith. And then all the wedding planners, I have had dreams of once being a wedding planner, but no more. These gals can have that job, I will stick with reading their murders.

I had laugh out moments in the book, especially with the fabulously tipsy Lincoln. Amanda Flower knows how to write a wedding in a reenactment setting, and she does it with doses of humor and charm.  But with humor can also come suspense and WOW! Does this book hit a cord with this mom. What would you do to save your child? And can you really trust those you thought you knew? It hooked me each word, line and chapter. Well done, Amanda. And though murder isn’t justified, you almost wanted to weep for the killer.

So many emotions played through this book, but my favorite is love. All types of love, a great reminder in the end that love is worth it, no matter who someone choose to love, don’t allow the fear in, just the light. This book was a prime example of a great conclusion to one of my favorite series, I am not sad it has ended, but thankful it was created.

I Rate it

Would you want a living history style wedding?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

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  • Pressed To Death
  • Cinco De Murder
  • A Lady Unrivaled
  • The Garden
  • Summer Prescott- Part 1 interview
  • The Final Vow
  • The Vintage Wren
  • A Southern Season
  • A Brush with Shadows
  • Leaving Darkness
  • Survival of the Fritters
  • She Who Knows No Fear
  • The French Chef in America

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  1. Kay Garrett

    What an amazing concept for a story! The Final Vow sounds like a very fun, emotional, charged full of mystery book that I’d love to read. Loved the interview and review.

  2. Amanda Wilcox

    I’m so excited for the release of this book!!! Thanks for the great interview

  3. Malka Essock

    what a fun interview, sounds like a fun book also!

  4. Kathleen Kendler

    fun interview. Looking forward to this book. Thank-you for the opportunity.

  5. Celia Fowler

    I enjoyed the interview, and I am looking forward to Amanda’s new series (wow, is she busy!)! Thanks for featuring her on your blog!

  6. Donamae

    Can’t wait to read it! Sounds so interesting.

  7. Lucy Reynolds

    A living history style wedding would be very interesting to attend. This sounds like a great read. Thank you for the chance.

    • Bree Herron

      Amanda Flower has a way of creating a place that readers really want to visit, I hope you enjoy the book!


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