That Olde White Magick

- Author: Sharon Pape
- Publisher: Lyrical Underground
- Print Length: 242 pages
- Release Date: November 7, 2017
- I Rate it:
- Genre: Cozy
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Book Summary
Kailyn Wilde enjoys running her shop, Abracadabra, in the quaint New York hamlet of New Camel, where she lives with her six cats. Her family’s been here for centuries, and she’d like to keep up the tradition. But the place may never be the same if a big hotel gets built, so she does her civic duty and attends a town meeting along with her aunt Tilly . . . and Merlin. Yes, that Merlin—though he gets introduced to folks as her “distant English cousin.” The wizard is pretty grumpy about being transported here, but there are things about the modern world he doesn’t mind—like pizza.
Kailyn was prepared for a heated debate about the hotel, but she wasn’t expecting murder. When Tilly finds the body of a board member outside the schoolhouse, Kailyn doesn’t want any suspicion cast on the wrong person. She plans to crack this case, even if she has to talk to every living soul in town—plus a few departed ones . . .
“Pape has a sure‑handed balance of humor and action.” —Julie Hyzy, New York Times bestselling author
Guest Post from Merlin
Out of His Time
There’s a lot to be said for this modern age – delicacies like “pizza” and “ice cream” being high on my list. There are machines that can whisk you down the street or around the world. There are other machines to entertain you and to supply almost any information you could want, except how to help me find my way back home.
Since one doesn’t miss what one never had, I would have been content to live out my days in Camelot, eschewing even the elegant trappings of the court for my modest home. But I was not consulted on the matter. One day I went out to pick mushrooms for my evening meal and the next thing I knew I was falling into the storeroom of a magick shop, thousands of miles and hundreds of years from Camelot and the court of King Arthur.
It seems that Miss Kailyn Wilde, sorcerer and proprietor of the magick shop, was summoning a familiar at the same instant I was casting a spell to lead me to the mushrooms. It seems the Wildes have had trouble with their magick of late. Mayhap our spells became tangled and warped. But that bit of knowledge doesn’t get me any closer to home.
I have gallantly tried to make the best of the situation, but I am no longer a young man. My mind and memory have passed their peak. As a result, I have caused a bit of havoc in the lives of Kailyn and her aunt Tilly. If not for these two dear women, I don’t know what would have become of me in a world so different from the one I left.
Kailyn has discovered the ability to teleport herself and she’s been working hard to increase her skill. Eventually she hopes to be strong enough to take me home. But first she’ll have to figure out how to teleport back in time as well as distance. I fear I have a long wait ahead of me, but I will try to maintain a positive outlook and nurture the belief that I will see my home again. While I wait for that auspicious day, I will keep busy and make the most of my life here. If I eat enough pizza and ice cream, mayhap I will tire of it by the time Kailyn is able to take me home.
Alibis and Amethysts,the first book in Sharon Pape's Crystal Shop Mysteries, debuts on August 20th, 2013 from Berkley Intermix.Visit her website to read an excerpt. The fourth book in her Portrait of Crime Mysteries, Sketcher in the Rye, will be released on December 17th, also by Berkley Intermix. Both books are available for preorder. Sharon is also the author of three earlier novels, one of which was condensed in Redbook magazine. It was the first paperback original the magazine ever condensed. You can find Sharon on:
Book Review by Bree Herron
This book just tickled me. It was fun to get back with Kailyn and her cats. Okay, the other characters too, but really I am working on becoming the crazy cat lady so, Kailyn is goal for me. Anyways, enough about my cat dream, we are back in the second of the series and it is amazing! It was so much fun to visit this series again.
I adore the group of characters in this book, Merlin cracks me up constantly. He is views our time to be very different and at points I was just giggling at his thoughts. Kailyn is learning that being the witch is okay, especially when she gets stuck in some scary situations.
Enjoyable Moments
One aspect that really worked for me in this book was the murder happening right away. Sometimes we get stuck five chapters in and haven’t had our mystery, never fear that isn’t the case here. We get to sleuthing in the first chapter. That builds the entire story for me.
Overall, the olde world magick is brought to our time and it gives a flare to the novel. I really enjoyed being back with these characters and loved the plot. What wouldn’t we do for those we love? Better yet, what is the line we will cross? Food for thought there in this wonderfully written mystery.
Witches and Magick are the beings of this book, do you believe in magick?
**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.
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