No Way Home

No Way Home
  • Author: Annette Dashofy
  • Publisher: Henery Press
  • Print Length: 256 pages
  • Release Date: March 14, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreCozy
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

A relaxing trail ride turns tragic when Paramedic and Deputy Coroner Zoe Chambers discovers the body of a popular county commissioner in her Pennsylvania woods. Inconsistencies surround the horrible accident, but before she can investigate further, she’s pried away by a plea for help from her best friend whose son has been deemed a person of interest in a homicide over a thousand miles away. When he vanishes without a trace, his mother begs Zoe to help clear him and bring him safely home. The task takes Zoe out of her comfort zone in a frantic trip to the desolate canyons and bluffs of New Mexico where she joins forces with the missing boy’s sister and a mysterious young Navajo.

Back at home, Vance Township’s Chief of Police Pete Adams must deal not only with the commissioner’s homicide, but with an influx of meth and a subsequent rash of drug overdoses in his rural community. Bodies keep turning up while suspects keep disappearing. However little else matters when he learns that half a continent away, a brutal killer has Zoe in his sights.

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<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

USA Today bestselling author Annette Dashofy has spent her entire life in rural Pennsylvania surrounded by cattle and horses. When she wasn't roaming the family's farm or playing in the barn, she could be found reading or writing. After high school, she spent five years as an EMT on the local ambulance service, dealing with everything from drunks passing out on the sidewalk to mangled bodies in car accidents. These days, she, her husband, and their spoiled cat, Kensi, live on property that was once part of her grandfather's dairy.

Her Zoe Chambers mystery series includes Circle of Influence (nominated for the Agatha Award for Best First Novel and the David Award for Best Mystery of 2014), Lost Legacy, Bridges Burned (Agatha Award Nominee for Best Contemporary Novel of 2015) and the forthcoming With a Vengeance.

Annette Dashofy

Book Review by Bree Herron

Whenever a book starts off with horseback riding, I am a horse gal so I will opening jump for joy when a book can get horse terms, and how-to’s correct. I am here to say this book aced the horse part. So let’s giddy-up into the review!

I really loved the pace of this book.There was a lot of action that kept me guessing, and hunting for clues. I really loved how real this book felt to me, though fiction the places and people felt beyond real. I know many places referenced were real, but it was nice to feel like they were. The level of mystery is top notch at least 8 stars, if that was possible. Zoe is the perfect sleuth and smart to boot! She is the perfect friend, showing such support and care. I want her as a friend. She has this knack for getting into some intense situations, but with her medical background she handles her own, and she keeps those she loves safe.

Annette is a great writer, providing the reader with such a mystery that you guess through out the book on the “who-done-it” and yet, even in the end you are surprised to see the actual suspect come to light. I love that you can also read this book as a stand-alone. I know the series, yet I felt like this book could be read by a new friend, who doesn’t know the series.I really think readers that want a cozy with action, and more fun than imagined while reading it should read this book. I know murder as fun? But really this book was hard to put down. I loved the travel, the twists and the turns. I hope that all of you do as well.

I Rate it

How far would you go for a friend?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

(5) Signed Print Copies of No Way Home by Annette Dashofy U.S. Only are up for grabs! Click here for the giveaway!

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1 Comment

  1. Annette Dashofy

    Thanks so much for hosting this stop on my blog tour and for the fabulous review.

    By the way, I’ve been a horsewoman most of my life, so if I messed up the horse stuff, I should be shot! 😀

    Thanks again!


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