Mrs.Odboddy: And Then There Was a Tiger

- Author: Elaine Faber
- Publisher: Elk Grove Publications
- Print Length: 233 pages
- Release Date: July 25, 2018
- I Rate it:
- Genre: Cozy
- Purchase on Amazon
Book Summary
While the ‘tiger of war’ rages across the Pacific during WWII, eccentric, elderly Agnes Odboddy, ‘fights the war from the home front’. Her patriotic duties are interrupted when she is accused of the Wilkey’s Market burglary.
A traveling carnival with a live tiger joins the parishioner’s harvest fair at The First Church of the Evening Star and Everlasting Light. Accused again when counterfeit bills are discovered at the carnival, and when the war bond money goes missing, Agnes sets out to restore her reputation and locate the money. Her attempts lead her into harm’s way when she discovers a friend’s betrayal and even more about carnival life than she bargained for.
Granddaughter Katherine’s turbulent love triangle with a doctor and an FBI agent rivals Agnes’s own on-again, off-again relationship with Godfrey.
In Faber’s latest novel, your favorite quirky character, Mrs. Odboddy, prevails against injustice and faces unexpected challenges . . . and then There Was a Tiger!
Elaine Faber's short stories are published in magazines and multiple anthologies. She is an active member of Sisters in Crime, Inspire Christian Writers and Cat Writers Association.
Black Cat's Legacy, Elaine's debut fantasy cat-mystery novel., is the first in a series of three Cat Mysteries involving Thumper, who solves mysteries with the aid of his ancestors' memories.
Elaine lives in Elk Grove, CA, with her husband. They share their home with four house cats, and usually more, counting those at the door night and morning looking for a hand-out.
Mrs. Odboddy - Hometown Patriot is the first in Elaine's WWII humorous mystery series. Mrs. Odboddy fights the war from the home front, seeing conspiracies and spies around every corner. When Mrs. Roosevelt comes to town to attend a funeral, Agnes Odboddy's fears become a reality and she must prove she is, indeed a hometown patriot.
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Book Review by Bree Herron
War may be on most minds in this setting but Mrs. Odboddy has a mystery on her mind. I have really enjoyed this character and her ability to make a mystery enjoyable. Mrs. Odboddy is a kind and caring character that never thinks solely of herself. She is ready to take on this mystery head on and face the injustice that she sees. I love that the author correlated the “tiger of war” with a tiger theme in the book. All the characters are charming and delightful in this book, a true definition of a cozy mystery!
**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.
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Thank you for your review on “Mrs.Odboddy: And Then There Was a Tiger” by Elaine Faber and for being part of the book tour.
Sounds like a fabulously wonderful book and one that I would love the opportunity to read. Definitely on my TBR list.