Death in the Stacks

  • Author: Jenn McKinlay
  • Publisher: Berkley
  • Print Length: 301 pages
  • Release Date: November 14, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreCozy
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

In the latest Library Lover’s Mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of Better Late Than Never, the library’s big fund-raiser leaves director Lindsey Norris booked for trouble . . . 

Lindsey Norris and her staff are gearing up for the Briar Creek Library’s annual Dinner in the Stacks fund-raiser. The night of dinner and dancing is not only a booklover’s dream—it’s the library’s biggest moneymaker of the year. But instead of raising funds, the new library board president is busy raising a stink and making the staff miserable.

Although Olive Boyle acts like a storybook villain, Lindsey is determined to work with her and make the event a success. But when Olive publicly threatens the library’s newest hire, Paula, Lindsey cracks like an old book spine and throws Olive out of the library.

The night of the fund-raiser, Lindsey dreads another altercation with Olive—but instead finds Paula crouched over Olive’s dead body. Paula may have secrets, but Lindsey and the rest of the crafternooners know she’s not the one who took Olive out of circulation. As the plot thickens, Lindsey must catch the real killer before the book closes on Paula’s future . . .

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Jenn is the New York Times, USA Today, and Publisher's Weekly bestselling author of several mystery and romantic comedy series. She lives in sunny Arizona in a house that is overrun with kids, pets, and her husband's guitars.

You can find Jenn on:

Book Review by Bree Herron

In the latest mystery for the Library Lover’s Mystery series, readers will be delighted with the twists and turns, characters visiting from other series and the nail biting ending.


Lindsey and the crew are back! I really love Lindsey, if you haven’t “met” her yet she is a smart, kind, and tenacious librarian that truly looks for the good in others. She has a hunky boyfriend, Sully (Paging Dr. Quinn) who has this knack for saving her life. Between these two and all their friends life is pretty exciting.


I stared at this cover for at least 2 minutes each time I picked the book up to read. I felt like I saw a new small detail each time I did. From the leaves in the drawers that once possibly held card catalogs to the the different spins of the books on the shelves. It was certainly a cover that made me stop.

Enjoyable Moments

I don’t like to speak of the dead usually, but Olive did steal the show in the worst way possible. She was a character that I disliked very much. I think that made this perfect. She was an extremely flawed and broken character, designed to make the reader say “off with her head” well, I am sure that’s what would had happen if she had pulled a Marie Antoinette.  When she tried to making Lindsay look bad and Robbie asked if it was a roast, I about died with envisioning this scene.

I also really loved how the visiting characters came to the Dinner in the Stacks. This was like fan girl overload for me. I squealed loudly with joy. I thought that Lindsey handled everything with such a calm manner, seriously she makes solving mysteries seem easy. And the way she worked with her friends to think out the reason why, and who was very well done.

Finally, this author really knows how to write humor into scenes. I found myself laughing out loud many times through this book. It was pun filled fun.


This is the must read book if you are a fan of library mysteries, books and murder. If you enjoy any of the other series by Jenn McKinlay this will have you shouting for joy in the surprises that stop in.  I couldn’t and wouldn’t put this book down if it was requested, it was too good to depart from.
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**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.
<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>
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  1. Kelly Braun

    This book seems to cover most of my passions… & I love Jenn’s writing so win/win!
    Great review- Cheers!
    Kelly Braun

  2. Diane Yonchuk

    Sounds like a MUST read to me! I love the series and I’m sure I won’t be disappointed!

  3. Gloria Browning

    Having been a librarian for many years, I enjoy the setting. Thanks for the opportunity.

  4. Lori B.

    Love Jenn’s writing style and cannot wait to read this installment!

  5. Jennifer Belonsoff

    I like the Lindsey character, so this book will be fun to read!

  6. Kristina M. Anderson

    I just love Jenn McKinlay’s A Library Lover’s Mystery series. Thank you for your review. I have moved Death in the Stacks to the top of my TBR pile! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Kristina M. Anderson

    I just love Jenn McKinlay’s A Library Lover’s Mystery series. I liked your review of Death in the Stacks. I have moved this cozy to the top of my TBR pile! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Kay Garrett

    How can you not love a book that’s about a library mystery? I know I can’t!

    Thank you for the review, which I really loved reading especially the enjoyed moments, and for the chance to win a copy.

  9. Autumn Trapani

    I’m anxious to read this book. Thanks for the great review!

  10. Donamae

    Library mystery! Sounds like fun. I am looking forward to this book.

  11. Celia Fowler

    I love the Library Lover’s Mysteries, they are so well written and enjoyable! Thanks for featuring Death in the Stacks in your blog and for your review and giveaway ~

  12. Sharelle Thornton

    The Library Lovers Mysteries series is my favorite of Jenn’s books, and I can’t wait to dive into this one!

  13. Marcia

    So excited to see a new library mystery from Jenn! Just love her books. Icing on the cake to have the cupcake and hat shop series characters dropping in to help the crafternooners

  14. Rudy Wright

    Please keep this series going! Us librarians love them!

  15. Brian Frauenknecht

    I love this series and can’t wait to read it. I am always so excited when Jenn has a new book coming out. This is a wonderful series.

  16. Anne Jones

    I would love to read this book! Thank you for the generous giveaway! I love the Library Lovers series and am anxious to read this!

  17. Dianne Casey

    I love Jenn McKinley’s books. I especially like that the series are intertwined in “Death in the Stacks”. I’m really looking forward to reading the book.

  18. Kari

    I love this series. Always happy to see a new one

  19. Linda Leonard

    I haven’t read “Death in the Stacks” yet, but I love library mysteries and laughing.

  20. Marla B

    This sounds like a great read. Thanks for your review! [email protected]

  21. Stephanie Hobrock

    I have pre order the kindle version, but I WANT THIS BOOK!
    This series one of my favorites!

  22. Amanda Wilcox

    I can’t wait to read this book!!! I love all of her series!

  23. holdenj

    I am excited to read this new book by a favorite author. It is a great cover! Thanks


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