Cat Got Your Cash

Cat Got Your Cash: A Kitty Couture Mystery
  • Author: Julie Chase
  • Publisher: Crooked Lane Books
  • Print Length: 336 pages
  • Release Date: April 11, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreCozy
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Lacy Marie Crocker’s whimsical pet couture has gained a following in New Orleans’s cozy Garden District, and word of mouth has traveled all the way to her favorite fashion designer, Annie Lane. Lacy’s thrilled when Annie schedules a private session at her home to discuss a companion line for her evening wear, but when Lacy arrives for the appointment, she enters the kitchen to two mewling Siamese cats–and one very dead Annie.

Lacy takes the kittens home to care for them until they can be properly claimed by Annie’s family or friends, but after a busy day of work, she returns home to find them missing. And when Lacy learns the cats are set to inherit Annie’s fortune, she begins to wonder if the killer was after the kittens all along. Now Lacy will stop at nothing to save the Siamese and find justice for Annie–if the killer doesn’t sink his claws into her first.

Luckily, Lacy has the help of handsome NOLA PD homicide detective Jack Oliver to help her catch the cat-napper before its too late in Cat Got Your Cash, the endearing second Kitty Couture mystery from Julie Chase.

Cat Got Your Cash: A Kitty Couture Mystery

Guest Post from Julie Chase

5 Things I Learned While Researching for Cat Got Your Cash

  1. NOLA knows how to make a sandwich

This is the muffuletta, a New Orleans tradition, and something my main character mentions at least once per book. Because it’s amazing. Made on a muffuletta loaf, 1 sandwich can easily feed 2-3 people. The bread is layered with salami, ham, mortadella, mozzarella and Provolone, then smothered in mouth-watering olive salad. It’s officially heaven for your mouth.


2.Garden District architecture is enough to drop your jaw. Period.

I don’t know what your neighborhood looks like, but mine sure doesn’t look like this. And the picture doesn’t even do it justice. Garden District homes are over-the-top amazing. I knew the first time I saw them that this was where Lacy’s family lived.

3.Cemeteries are often referred to as “cities of the dead” and it’s for a reason.

Family crypts stand in rows along cement walkways like homes in a little town.

New Orleans is below sea level which meant the bodies traditionally buried by early settlers tended to pop back up. They had to get creative in this new land. The results are both practical and beautiful.




4.Another thing I learned? How to drive a Segway! It was so much fun, and I only hit one wall!

As you can see, I’m not one to worry about looking foolish. I rode that thing around New Orleans for three hours. It was a blast.

5.Finally, most importantly…It’s always time, and there’s always room for beignets and café au lait.

This was how I ended many nights out during my research trip. Then, I’d walk back to the hotel, enjoying the thick Louisiana air, cooking up crimes for my series and making memories to last a lifetime.

If you’ve never been to New Orleans, I hope you’ll find time to visit one day. It’s absolutely worth the trip. In the meantime, you can enjoy the city vicariously through my heroine, in Cat Got Your Cash.

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Julie Chase is a mystery-loving pet enthusiast who hopes to make readers smile. She lives in rural Ohio with her husband and three spunky children. Julie is a member of the International Thriller Writers (ITW) and Sisters in Crime (SinC). She is represented by Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

Julie also writes as Julie Anne Lindsey. Learn more about Julie at or on:


Julie Chase

Book Review by Bree Herron

I have enjoyed reading this series from the start, beginning with Cat Got Your Diamonds. Lacy is a fun, and unique sleuth, always keeping the reader smiling and plotting right alongside her. The kitties in the book, well there were moments that I was laughing so hard, my sides hurt!

Lacy is a keen sleuth. She has the ability to really walk into a mystery (literally). The moment I was sold in this book on Lacy was her loyalty to keeping animals safe, two little kittens were in need of a safe place and Lacy found it for them. These two kittens, my oh my, I know how spunky a Siamese can be and two would be an adventure! Lacy also has her own cat, Penelope- this cat. Let me help paint a picture: Kitty on a rumba, with fairy wings. Need I say more? I was sharing this scene with anyone that would listen. How can this not be funny?

Julie has a way of helping the readers check off their who-dun-it list. I had it built up and then by the end it was like a game of clue, only we knew where and what, but the who was found through very smart sleuthing. Julie has now given Lacy two very attractive men to have vying for her heart. I have one that I am a HUGE fan of (Jack) and the other is growing on me. I am also at a split on who I would say for her to choose, and hope book three continues a blooming of love for Lacy and Jack, okay obviously I am totally in the Jack fan arena. But I can envision them hosting late night chats as a family to solve the mystery. I am a sucker for keeping the solving in the family. Guess we shall see.

Reading this book brought me laughs, smiles, and moments of “did they do it?” it was the perfect mystery!

I Rate it

What would your pet couture look like? I would love to do a mermaid outfit for my kitties!

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

To celebrate the tour, you get a chance to win:

(1) Prize Pack: 1 hardcover copy of book 1, Cat Got Your Diamonds, a lovely scarf with cat silhouettes and a cat coloring book for adults.

Click here to enter! And don’t forget to add your comment to this stop for a bonus entry in the rafflecopter!

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  • Cat Got Your Cash
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  • The Heart of an Agent
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  1. Dianne Casey

    Love the sound of this book and I’m looking forward to reading. Great cover!

    • Bree Herron

      Thanks Ashley for coming by, this is a darling cozy series!

  2. Ann

    I stopped by your blog today


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