Author Spotlight – J R Pearson

Josie and Petey are two characters you just can’t help but love. This series rivals the food cozies and will leave you hungry for more. with each new installment. J R Pearson has written four wonderful books in the Josie Rizzo Cozy Mystery Series and as she mentions has plans for more! I hope you will give this delightful author a chance and enjoy meeting her as much as I did. Comment below about what your favorite dog is, for a chance to win an e-book of your choice by J R Pearson!

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

J R Pearson lives with her crazy but loving family in southern Maryland. She enjoys weekend excursions, Saturday night movies, and warm home-cooked meals. For years, J R Pearson has loved reading--especially cozy mysteries,and was inspired to write her own. Introducing funny characters, yummy foods, cozy small town life, and a feisty female protagonist.

J R Pearson
<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">My Interview With The Author</span></span></h2>


Good morning!

J R Pearson

Good morning! And happy Friday!


You Too! Thank goodness it’s Friday! Tell me about your books?

J R Pearson

Well, the Josie Rizzo Cozy Mystery Series is culinary theme. And about a young woman whose passion for food takes her and her welsh corgi, Petey, to the small town of Greenville. She owns a food blog called Good Eatin ‘ For the Curvy Soul. And basically, she tries out different cuisines and reports back to her growing following. Of course murder jumbles her plans of exploration. In each book, readers will be cultivated by delicious meals while solving a mystery with Josie and her gang of wacky friends. Including her love interest, Tony Santino, and gay best friend, Brad Clifton. Her meddlesome and hilarious family make appearances as well. However, in the background, another more sinister mystery transpires…


Petey the corgi? I love the animals in cozy mysteries so you must tell me about him! What played into your decision to write cozies?


J R Pearson

Corgis are awesome! They should rule the planet, LOL ???? I’m a BIG cozy reader and being surrounded by them made me inspired to write my own. Add in my supportive family as well. The thought of creating my own world that deals with fun times, great food, and funny moments, resulted in the birth of writing my own cozy.


I agree Corgis rule! Cozies are wonderful, how do you get into writing each character? Have anything that motivates you to get the writing done?

J R Pearson

I’m big on visuals. When I started creating the story, town, characters, etc, I pretend as if I’m casting a TV show series. So, I drew up pictures and wrote up profiles of each; their age, hobbies, family life. My motivation that gets the writing done is reminding myself to just take my time. I’m self-publishing and I’m on my own schedule. Not being pressured definitely gets the story done, peacefully.


That’s a wonderful idea!! How long do you go In between books for releases? What character is your favorite besides for Petey? ????????


J R Pearson

For releases, books 1-3 were one month a part. Then book 4 came after 2 months. I’ve decided–and I’ve told my readers–that I’m taking more to regroup and take more time for future releases. I don’t want to follow the crowd that produces cozies so fast, but to gingerly put in as much effort so readers can be fully satisfied with the outcome. My favorite character has to be……..Brad! No, Petey! Wait, no…..LOL, I can’t answer that. ????????????


Haha! Let’s be honest dogs rule. What are you working on right now? Are you thinking of adding another series to your list?


J R Pearson

 Omg, yes! I’m working the first books of TWO new series. Both cozy and full of yummy food, but one is paranormal. They take place in the world I’ve created for Josie and in restaurants previously mentioned in her books. Also her overprotective brothers will be the stars of each. On my author page, I have quick blurbs of what’s to come. ;))) I’m definitely excited♡♡♡


Yay!! I’m looking forward to them. What makes your books stand out in the cozy world?


J R Pearson

Firstly, I’d like to think my covers can draw people in. They’re loud, bold and colorful. My character has NOT ‘stumbled across a dead body’ like most books. Her boyfriend isn’t the sheriff of the town. And lastly, which I think is important, the back story that happens parallel to the main leaves a bit of a cliffhanger at the end of each book. And readers get to know more and more of what’s about to go down soon.


How do you relax?

J R Pearson

My method of relaxation: Read, read, and more reading. Even through headaches, I read. ????


What do you enjoy reading? I read with headaches too! I love my Kindle.


J R Pearson

I’ve recently just bought a Kindle. Only to read novellas and mainly books that are not in print. I’m a big paperback person. Which is all paranormal romantic comedies, paranormal romantic suspense, sizzling romantic comedies. And humorous women sleuth mysteries.


Who is/are your favorite author(s)?


J R Pearson

  • Robyn Peterma
  • Kristen Painter
  • Meghan Ciana Doidge
  • Christina Lauren
  • Felicity Heaton
  • Gina LaManna
  • Janet Evanovich
  • Melanie James
  • Julia Kent

….yup, that about covers it, LOL —Wait! And Gemma Halliday


Haha! That’s a list!!! Did you see Janet Evanovich has a new series coming


J R Pearson

Yes, I did! Already pre-ordered. ????


How many books to do you plan to write? 

J R Pearson

I plan to write as many books I possibly can. This is my career now, my Cinderella moment/dream come true.


That’s a great way to put it! I never heard it put that way. What do you want “new to cozy” readers to know about your work?


J R Pearson

I want readers to know that my work is 100% me. The process from start to finish when writing who my characters are and what they want in the world I’ve designed. My work will always be what I set out for it to be since day one. Maybe some twists along the way. But know that I strive to create stories that are feel good easy reads. Hopefully, Josie’s determination of what she wants to achieve motivates you. Or Brad can provide that laugh you wanted. Or even after reading about Petey and his shenanigans, you’ll learn to not miss chicken treat snack-time for your dog. :))


That sounds like the best plan! I loved chatting with you!! Thank you so much for taking the time to talk about your books, characters and more.


J R Pearson

Me too! I had a blast ♡♡♡ I very much appreciate the opportunity. :)))

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  1. peggy clayton

    Hopefully the ebook will change to a print book but we have 2 chihuahuas and we just love them. For me since i have fully disabled they are a lap dog and also they are so funny. I just love having them around and the tricks they do are so fun. The little one Daisy she does these twirls and she goes and goes then has to sit or she gets to dizzy. She plays with my hubby and all she does is bites his ears and he loves it. the older on just sits on him and looks at him cute I don’t know what I would do without them.

  2. Jackie Petros

    just bought the Jossie Rizzo series (4) would like list of All your cozy mystery series


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