A Tale of Two Kitties

  • Author: Sofie Kelly
  • Publisher: Berkley
  • Print Length: 335 pages
  • Release Date: September 5, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreCozy
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

In this charming mystery from the bestselling author of Paws and Effect, two magical cats have powers of detection that prove indispensable to librarian Kathleen Paulson…
With a well-placed paw on a keyboard or a pointed stare, Kathleen’s two cats, Hercules and Owen, have helped her to solve cases in the past—so she has learned to trust their instincts. But she will need to rely on them more than ever when a twenty-year-old scandal leads to murder…

The arrival of the Janes brothers has the little town of Mayville Heights buzzing. Everyone of a certain age remembers when Victor had an affair with Leo’s wife, who then died in a car accident.

Now it seems the brothers are trying to reconcile, until Kathleen finds Leo dead. The police set their sights on Leo’s son and Kathleen’s good friend Simon, who doesn’t have much of an alibi. To prove her friend innocent, Kathleen will have to dig deep into the town’s history—and into her sardine cracker supply, because Owen and Hercules don’t work for free…

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<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Sofie Kelly is a New York Times bestselling author and mixed-media artist who writes the Magical Cats Mysteries and, as Sofie Ryan, writes the Second Chance Cat Mysteries. Sofie lives on the east coast with her husband and daughter. In her spare time she practices Wu style tai chi and likes to prowl around thrift stores.

You can find Sofie:

Sofie Ryan

Book Review by Bree Herron

This series always reminds me of what a true cozy mystery series should be like. The latest adventure for one of my favorite librarians has you on the edge of your seat, and looking at the past to rectify the future. Owen and Hercules are as delightful as ever, and made me cuddle my kitties even more.


Kathleen, Hercules and Owen are back! If you haven’t met them before don’t worry you will be instant friends. See Owen and Hercules are magical cats, don’t worry no witchcraft but they do have this amazing ability to go poof and disappear. One that Kathleen is starting to consider normal. These two cats have such personality that I caught myself a few times trying to see if my cats were like that, sorry no magic cats here.

Kathleen is a librarian with a knack for solving crimes and this one is a bit of a heart breaker. She has her boyfriend Marcus in the picture and I want a wedding for these two! Kathleen is fun and reminds me of how a librarian should be, she knows her books and yet still wants to learn.

Enjoyable Moments

Owen stole the show with his antics in this book, that cat will do anything for food. Well, except the vet, Roma still gets the stink eye from him and a claw or two. But Owen was certainly the pal to our sleuth in this novel and very brave at moments.

Another detail to the story that I enjoyed was the old pictures that the library had and was trying to identify the people in. It was a nice touch to what an archivist would do and it worked to bring the community together in a positive manner. Sofie Kelly also used details from the past to shape what was coming in the future, we had visitors, lies and mystery from years ago that were molded to make a reader eager to stay in the pages.


Overall, families come with lots of baggage. We can all recall a member that was the odd ball. I really loved that family and love were a element to this book, and of course the cats. I can never get enough of those two. Kathleen is a sleuth that this past librarian really relates to and enjoys visiting with each time I read. The mystery will grab you and be painted in your mind, allowing you to envision the story while reading it. So don’t miss out on this magical read!

I Rate it

Have you met Owen and Hercules before?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

You get a chance to win (1) A gift pack that includes a print copy of A Tale of Two Kitties and a print copy of Paws and Effect and some sweet treats! U.S. ONLY

So do like Owen and Hercules and pop over to the giveaway!

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NetGalley Professional Reader Frequently Auto-Approved 200 Book Reviews 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Great Escape Tour Host BethanyHouse Blogger Reviewer

Peruse My Other Reviews

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  • The Evaporation of Sofi Snow
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  • For Love and Honor
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  • With Love, Wherever You Are
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  • Cowboy Christmas Guardian
  • The Unannounced Christmas Visitor
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  • The Librarian Shoots a Gun
  • The Theory of Happily Ever After
  • Silence of the Lamps
  • Bearly Departed
  • The Mending of Lillian Cathleen

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  1. Della Williamson

    Appreciated the summary & review. Really looking forward to reading A Tale of Two Kitties and Paws and Effect. I do hope it will be sooner; rather than later. It is sad that families, people in general, do not respect other people’s choices. And sadder, that forgiveness is in such short supply. It is said to forgive is divine. Because if you don’t you are hurting yourself more than anyone else. You don’t forgive you break or burn the bridge over which you must pass, you might want to go back. It helps to keep in mind. None of us is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all at one time or another irritate or offend others and they may do the same to us. So we should be tolerant of others and we hope they will be tolerant of us. So. I would be most interested to see who the killer of Leo is.

  2. Kay Garrett

    Thanks for the review. It just makes we want to read A Tale of Two Kitties all the more.

  3. Amy Freedman

    I love this series.. Cats and cozies go together so well.. Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Sofie

    Thank you, Bree!

  5. Rayna

    I have recently started this series and am totally hooked. I am only two books in but can’t wait to pick up more. I think the characters are well done and not cheesey like other cozies I have read.


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