Twice Redeemed

Twice Redeemed
  • Author: Mimi Milan
  • Publisher: Eaton House
  • File Size: 889 KB
  • Print Length: 202 pages
  • Release Date: June 24, 2016
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Who will save her from herself?

After helping another girl escape, Mercedes Nobles suffers unspeakable abuse at Jericho. So when an American cowboy rides into town, she jumps at the opportunity to start a new life… even though she carries a secret that could destroy any chance of happiness for either of them.

John Durbin may have turned in his badge, but he still believes in living by a code of honor. That includes returning to a seedy Mexican saloon and rescuing a woman who helped his friends escape. However, the tables turn and he finds himself married in name only.

Struggling with cultural differences, they questions if their marriage will survive. Will John sacrifice his faith to make his new bride happy? How will Mercedes redeem herself when John learns of the secret she’s hiding?

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Mimi Milan spent two decades scribbling away in notebooks before realizing that her life's calling was to write. So she returned from Mexico and attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, majoring in Creative Writing and minoring in Film. She decided to take her education a step forward, and was recently accepted in the MFA Creative Writing program at Queens University.

The books Mimi has outlined to write all give back to the community. The causes she supports include, but are not limited to: human trafficking, children with special needs, bullying, and Women's Rights. She specifically enjoys writing multicultural stories that oftentimes have a bit of "Latin spice."

Mimi currently resides in the suburbs of Charlotte, making time for God, family and imaginary friends.

She can be found online on:
or contact her @ [email protected]

Mimi Milan

Book Review by Bree Herron

Have you ever felt that you wanted to read a book that just really “kicked butt”? Or a book that made you feel so strong because the characters were the strongest you have read in awhile, that you feel on top of the world? Twice Redeemed, does this and more for a reader. I was truly in jaw dropping shock that I couldn’t put it down. It was a new setting for me, a woman led astray, and harboring grief with pain, not so new, but the thought that a man truly felt he could help her save herself was.

I am the first to always put a book down if the man acts as though he is the only one to be the hero. I love a girl that can be strong. Mercedes is strong, yet she is so caught up in feeling tarnished that she does need John. I loved that he was a cautious strong character, and a man that cared for his horse! I loved that even though John was rescuing her, Mercedes was growing stronger in her confidence. They were truly a meant to be couple.

When the going gets tough in Jericho, can Mercedes find her faith? Share on X

I found that there was so many characters that were growing through this book, I was able to picture a few getting their own book in the series. I also felt that this book allowed for us to have more, if the author so desired. Twice Redeemed, is the second book in the Jericho Resistance series, and I hope not the last. I did feel in small moments that I would have loved to know the characters from the previous book as they were spoken about, but Twice Redeemed, stands on it ‘s own so well that reading in order is (gasp!) not as necessary as it would seem.

I urge you to check this book out and find the strength of these characters to help build your own.

I Rate it
Could you handle life in Jericho? Tell me why or why not in the comments below! And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

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<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>
To celebrate her tour, Mimi is having a wonderful giveaway, click the link below to get started!

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1 Comment

  1. Debbie Clatterbuck

    I’m not sure I could survive a place like Jericho at this time in my life and what sounds like a horrific experience for Mercedes. I am a somewhat strong person, but things are bringing me down right now and Jericho would ruin me for sure. But, then, I have survived what life has thrown at me so far and I’ve lasted 54 years. So, maybe I could survive Jericho. Who knows? You never know until you try and have faith in God.


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