To Claim Her Heart

  • Author: Jodie Wolfe
  • Publisher: Smitten Historical Romance
  • Print Length: 320 pages
  • Release Date: May 14, 2018
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

In 1893, on the eve of the great race for land, Benjamin David prays for God to guide him to his ‘Promised Land. Finding property and preaching to the lost are his only ways of honoring his deceased fiancée. He hasn’t counted on Elmer (Elsie) Smith claiming the same plot and refusing to leave. Not only is she a burr in his side, but she is full of the homesteading know-how he is sadly lacking.

Obtaining a claim in the Cherokee Strip Land Run is Elsie Smith’s only hope for survival, and not just any plot, she has a specific one in mind. The land’s not only a way to honor her pa and his life, but also to provide a livelihood for herself. She’s willing to put in whatever it takes to get that piece of property, and Elsie’s determined to keep it.

Her bitterness is what protects her, and she has no intentions of allowing that preacher to lay claim to her land . . . or her heart.

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Guest Post from Jodie Wolfe

The Heart of a Book


I think there’s always a little bit of the author in each book they write, but sometimes something deeper and very close to the author is wrapped up in the pages of a story. That’s the case for To Claim Her Heart. This is the tale that my mother-in-law always wanted me to write. She was so proud of her family heritage and almost twenty years ago, she was anxious to share it with me. We visited Oklahoma where several of her relatives had staked claims in the last great race for land in our country – the Cherokee Strip Land Run of 1893. This September will mark the 125th anniversary of the land race.


While it saddens me that my dear mother-in-law never lived long enough to see this story in print, I’m thankful that she shared her rich heritage with me. In To Claim Her Heart I was able to mention a recipe passed down through her family for prune cake. I also made sure the heroine had a Rose of Sharon quilt that was given to her. My mother-in-law gave me this quilt dating back as early as 1834 when it was stitched by my husband’s great, great, great, great grandmother. It’s been passed down to the oldest daughter for generations. But, I think one of my favorite memories is the one that concerns outlaws and how my husband’s great, great, great grandmother dealt with them. To find out more about this actual encounter, you’ll have to read To Claim Her Heart. I hope your heart will be as touched by these stories as mine was when my mother-in-law shared them.



<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

You can find Jodie on:

Jodie Wolfe

Book Review by Bree Herron

Join us in a wild west setting with a heart of faith mind. It was fun, exciting and tender to read. I really loved the setting and the moments that I mention below.


Elmer is a woman, named after her father. I liked her but at moments I wanted to shake her and say “open your eyes!!” She was so strong willed that it killed me when she wouldn’t always take the help or think everything through. I think I saw a lot of myself in her and that is why I loved her like a sister.

Benjamin was the perfect balance to Elmer. Working with her and building a relationship it allowed us to see his strength and heart. I would love to see what is next for him!

Enjoyable Moments

This book has good action. With the start to get to the claims to the climatic finish with a outlaw. It was the wild mid west. I really loved that we saw the struggles of staking and starting up your own claim. It wasn’t roses and fresh crops, it was the hard work and sweat that the author detailed in the book.


I loved the setting of this book! It was fresh in my opinion for a historical setting and I was thrilled to be in the era as well. It was well researched, and described making it a book that will come alive in the reader’s mind.


Elmer was a strong minded woman who knew that she was just as good as a man. She just needed a bit of softening to see that she could be strong and a partner. I really think this book is one that could span into a series full of the experiences and stories of Elmer and Benjamin.

I Rate it

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

To celebrate her tour, Jodie is giving away a grand prize of a Kindle Fire!! Don’t forget to comment on this review for 9 extra entries!

Find out all the details and enter to WIN at To Claim Her Heart Celebration Tour Giveaway.

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  1. Kay Garrett

    Thank you for your great review on “To Claim Her Heart” by Jodie Wolfe and for being part of the book tour.

    I’d enjoy the opportunity to read this book. I’ve not read this author before, but I’d love to explore her writing through this book.

  2. Emma

    This sounds good!

    • Bree Herron

      It was awesome, highly recommend reading it.

  3. Jodie Wolfe

    Thank you for your review and for being part of the blog tour!


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