The Victorian Christmas Brides

  • Author: C.J. Chase, Susanne Dietze, Rita Gerlach, Kathleen L. Maher, Gabrielle Meyer, Carrie Fancett Pagels, Vanessa Riley, Lorna Seilstad,Erica Vestch
  • Print Length: 448 pages
  • Publisher: Barbour Books
  • Release Date: August 15, 2018
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Experience a Dickens of a Christmas

Faced with the daily extremes of gluttony and want in the Victorian Era, nine women seek to create the perfect Christmas celebrations. But will expectations and pride cause them to overlook imperfect men who offer true love?

Paper Snowflake Christmas by Vanessa Riley
1837 Framlingham, England
How can widow Ophelia Hanover give her son a perfect Christmas when his guardian, the Earl of Litton, arrives early to take permeant custody of the boy?

One Golden Ring by C.J. Chase
1855 Devonshire, England
Wounded soldier Tristram Nowell returns home to indulge his mother’s wish for a family Christmas–and encounters Marianna Granville. Can he forgive the former heiress who jilted him years before?

Love Brick by Brick by Kathleen L. Maher
1857 Elmira, New York
SarahAnn Winnifred overcomes orphanhood apprenticing with pioneering doctors. Rufus Sedgwick, relocating his English estate, seeks help for his ailing Mum. Christmas reveals the secret wish of both hearts–for love.

The Sugarplum Ladies by Carrie Fancett Pagels
1867 Windsor, Ontario, Canada and Detroit, Michigan
When Canadian barrister Percy Gladstone finds his aristocratic British family unexpectedly descending upon him for Christmas, he turns to American social reformer Eugenie Mott and her fledgling catering crew for help.

Star of Wonder by Susanne Dietze
1875 County Durham, England
This Yuletide, Bennet Hett, Viscount Harwood, offers Lady Celeste Sidwell matrimony and the Star of Wonder diamond necklace, as their fathers arranged. When the diamond disappears, will they find a greater treasure?

Father Christmas by Lorna Seilstad
Chicago, Christmas 1880
Widowed harpist Beatrix Kent believes love can only come once in a lifetime, but this Christmas, carpenter Hugo Sherman hopes to pull on the musician’s heartstrings and prove her wrong.

The Perfect Christmas by Erica Vetsch
1880s London
Melisande Verity might be in over her head trying to create the perfect Christmas window display, but if she succeeds, will she finally attract the attention of her boss, Gray Garamond?

A Christmas Vow by Gabrielle Meyer
London, England, Christmas 1899
Lady Ashleigh Pendleton is hosting a houseful of guests for Christmas when railroad executive Christopher Campbell unexpectedly arrives from America with a mysterious agreement signed by their fathers before their birth.

The Holly and the Ivy by Rita Gerlach
1900. Small town along the Potomac near Washington DC
A glass ornament. Love letters tied in red Christmas ribbon. Lily Morningstar and British antiquities expert Andrew Stapleton are drawn into a family secret that binds their hearts together.

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">The Authors</span></span></h2>
Pepper Basham

Carrie Fancett Pagels
The Sugarplum Ladies

Christina Coryell

Vanessa Riley
Paper Snowflake Christmas

Heather Gray

Susanne Dietze
Star of Wonder

Elizabeth Maddrey

Erica Vetsch
The Perfect Christmas

Jessica R. Patch

Gabrielle Meyer
A Christmas Vow

Krista Phillips

Rita Gerlach
The Holly and the Ivy

Laurie Tomlinson

Lorna Seilstad
Father Christmas

Marion Ueckermann

C.J. Chase
One Golden Ring

Krista Phillips

Kathleen L. Maher
Love Brick by Brick

Book Review by Bree Herron

First of all, this is one of the best group of authors that I have read in one of these collections. They just flowed together, even though the stories were all independent. I really love Christmas books and this one is by far the best I have read this year. Many of the stories were heart warming and some had great mystery. It was well designed to bring the reader into the spirit of Christmas. I am sharing a few of my thoughts here tonight on this beautiful collection.

 Favorite Year in a Story: 1875- This is from Susanne’s story. And what a neat story! I loved the mystery of what happened to the engagement jewelry and how this story brought all the characters together in the end. It was a quick read but I would love to see Bennet and Celeste again in another collection.

Favorite Female Lead: Eugenie Mott- Carrie Pagels’ made this strong and kind hearted female jump off the pages. I instantly loved her and her passion to help those in need. You could feel her warmth for all that she met. If your heart needs a bit of warmth this is the character and story to read.

Favorite Setting: Small town along the Potomac near Washington DC- Rita Gerlach gave me a vivid setting that was painted through my mind to the very last page. I have spent time near the Potomac and DC I could see the historic setting in my mind and imagine a town just like this. There is a bit of mystery and a touching story that blends into the painting of my mind. I really enjoyed the overall feeling this story gave me.

Favorite Male Lead: Rufus Sedgwick- from Maher’s story was the top favorite man for me. I really loved the tenderness yet tough side to him. He was seeking love that he didn’t fully understand he needed and he gave a this woman a chance to come into his life and heart. I felt that he was very open at times and then closed off at moments, just like a man that is conflicted on emotions and feelings. I think that he was well written and perfect in this story.

Favorite Title: Paper Snowflake- Vanessa Riley not only had my favorite title but it fit this story so well! It went with the tenderness and fragility of the story line. A mom struggling to make it all work, a son needing a father, and a man needing a family. They were wove together like little snips in paper.  I think this story was a great way to start off this collection.

Favorite Depicted Holiday : A Christmas Vow- Gabrielle Meyer this is the best Christmas scene. I loved this story. It was passionate (not over PG) in a way that these characters had spunk but there was sweet holiday scenes that I could just paint in my mind. It was a neat concept.

Favorite Upper Class Lady:  I really liked Marianna Granville in One Golden Ring. She may be a former heiress but she was still classy in my mind. It was interesting to have her not have the same social status and to see how that played out in their love. It was forgiveness and fresh starts, just like the first snow fall that graces the ground so did forgiveness and love in this story.

Favorite Building Christmas Spirit Story: The Perfect Christmas. It was the perfect Christmas in my mind while reading this story. I love holiday window displays in Macy’s and other stores. This story made me want to whip out the decorations and start singing carols.

Favorite Musical Setting: Father Christmas, this story would make anyone start humming tunes and making up tunes while reading it. I love music and I think that the author did a good job of capturing how music can move people to love and healing. It was as though the music was a way to sing to my heart for the Christmas season and yes, I did play some on the background.


Overall, this collection will get any reader ready for the holiday season! I am eager to get started in feeling the blessings of the season and coming closer with my family and loved ones. May the holiday cheer warm you and encourage you to read this collection of sweet romances, holidays and faith.


I Rate it

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>
I would love to share a copy of the book with one lucky follower! Share a favorite Christmas in the comments to be entered to win. This giveaway will close 10/14/18. US Only.

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  1. Sydney

    I just love the cover of this book!

    I don’t know if I have a favorite Christmas, but one of my favorite Christmas morning traditions is going to my grandparent’s house and eating a feast of pancakes (with lots of different toppings–cream, jam, fruit, syrup, etc.), sausage, and juice. 🙂


    I can remember when I was a little girl waking up hearing my Daddy doing something in the next room. I got out of bed and peeked around the corner and he was sitting in the floor putting my pedal car together that is one Christmas I will always remember. Thank you for this awesome giveaway this sounds like a great book to read!

  3. Paula Shreckhise

    My Mother was working hard. She admired a set of dishes that would go with our historic house. Daddy put them on layaway. I went downtown to get them and we wrapped the boxes. We used one as the base to put the tree on. We always had a real tree. She was surprised by the extra box “under” the tree!
    Merry Christmas! I am looking forward to reading this book! Love Barbour collections. These are some great authors!

  4. Bonnie Kaiser

    I’ve had a lot of Christmases that I remember so fondly, but the one I’ll call my best is the Christmas that my mother awoke from a stroke-caused coma and sang Christmas carols. Praise God.

  5. MJSH

    No favorite Christmas honestly. Each year is special and unique as my children grow.

  6. Vivian Furbay

    What a nice giveaway! One of my favorite Christmas memories was our first one when I was a single parent. God enabled us to get and inexpensive artificial tree and we made a lot of the ornaments. I made a lot of the gifts for my two kids. God blessed us and provided for us during those years.

  7. Sabrina Templin

    When Santa Claus left me a taped message after his visit….lol There were sounds of him at the fireplace and everything…

  8. Trisha Robertson

    I’m looking forward to reading these stories! Wonderful review! I have many favorite Christmas memories, my first Christmas with my husband, our first Christmas with our son, my last Christmas with my Grandma. But one fun memory from when I was about 6 years old… we had a white Christmas (lived in NC, those white Christmas are rare!) My little sister and I were so excited! We bundled up, and walked through the snow (next door) to Grandma & Grandpa’s house where we opened presents. We each received a Strawberry Shortcake Doll. She came with her own birth certificate to fill out and I just remember being so happy that I got this beautiful doll.

  9. Carrie Fancett Pagels

    Your beautiful review brought tears to my eyes! This is exactly what I wanted to have happen with this collection! Some of my very favorite authors writing Christmas stories set in the Victorian era! God bless you for reading and reviewing and sharing with readers, Bree! And I am so glad you and Eugenie got to be friends!

  10. Kay Garrett

    My favorite Christmas tradition was my Dad always arriving very early so he could go down the hall saying “Hohoho Santa’s been here!” and waking up my daughter to go see what was under the tree. It was a tradition that we all loved – including his granddaughter. My favorite Christmas was when she had just turned a teenager, she actually woke up very early to get dressed and fixed up (you know teenagers when it comes to having their photos taken) and then crawled back into bed just so Pappaw could “wake her up” Christmas morning like he always did. I cherish of my Christmas memories since both Dad and our daughter are together now having Christmas in heaven, but especially this one. <3

    Can't wait for the opportunity to read "The Victorian Christmas Brides". Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

  11. Joy Ellis

    Excellent review! I enjoyed the book, too! It was a beautiful collection of stories. My favorite Christmas memory? The last one we got to spend with my dad in 2007. Our whole family was there. My three brothers, their family, my mom, dad and my family. Six months after that Christmas, my dad passed away from cancer. Then 6 months after that, my mom was diagnose with Alzheimer’s. It was the last Christmas that we were all together.

  12. Caryl Kane

    Every Christmas is special when Jesus is the focus!

  13. Deanna Stevens

    Loved the review! I agree the book is wonderful, my favorite authors too..
    Don’t enter me, I have a beautiful copy!

  14. Brenda Murphree

    This is a wonderful book with all great authors. Your review is wonderful. It will really get you in the Christmas spirit. I’m trying to get my review wrote too. I’m slow at it but will get it done.

  15. Perrianne Askew

    I love how you broke out your reviews to favorites in each category. I never thought about doing that and it make for a wonderful review! I enjoyed the novella collection very much as well. (Not entering – I have the book).

  16. Jeanie Dannheim

    I don’t have special memories of any one Christmas, but I do remember many (K-8 grades) Christmas Eve services, where all of the school practiced for weeks and were the “children’s service” on Christmas Eve. One of my favorite times to sing, to worship, as a child.

  17. Tina Rice

    What a lovely review!
    I love the book cover and the stories written by some of my favorite authors!

    I’m not entering as I have a copy!

  18. Sherry Moe

    Thank you for such an incredible review!!

  19. Kathleen L. Maher

    Bree, thank you so much for this beautiful review. I’m so glad you enjoyed Rufus 🙂 I shared your post on my social media pages. I love how you highlighted each of the novellas. What a blessing.

  20. Susanne

    Every year is special seeing my kids excitement to celebrate the birth of Jesus. ?

  21. Beverly Duell-Moore

    The Christmas my aunt and grandmother spent with us. I had just turned seven the day before (Christmas Eve) My aunt had four of my brothers (At the time. I ended up with six brothers.) and me in the kitchen making Christmas cookies. We made the cut-out kind. There was flour all over the kitchen and my brothers and I. But, you know, I remember the fun we had the most.

  22. Karen G.

    Going to Midnight Mass with my sister and coming home to find my very first sewing machine as my Christmas gift. I’ve been sewing since I was twelve years old. Looking forward to reading The Victorian Christmas Brides Collection. Love reading Christmas books. Thank you for the chance.


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