This Treacherous Journey

  • Author: Misty M. Beller
  • Publisher: Misty M. Beller Books, Inc.; 1 edition
  • Print Length: 376 pages
  • Release Date: February 6, 2018
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Widowed and with child, Emma Malcom is fleeing from the reward offered for her arrest. She’s innocent of the dirty dealings her deceased husband orchestrated, but the angry townspeople didn’t stop to listen to her defense before she narrowly escaped with her life. Now, she and her twin brother, Joseph, must battle the mountain wilderness of the Rockies to reach Canada and the clean start she craves. But when a fall from the rocky cliff leaves Joseph wounded and weak, could the strange mountain man they encounter be God’s gift to see them to safety?

Simeon Grant makes bad choices. His deceased wife and twin babies are lost to him now because of his reckless decisions, and the penance he pays by living alone in this mountain wilderness is only a small piece of what he thinks he deserves. When a city woman, heavy with child, appears on his doorstep with her injured brother, her presence resurrects the memories he’s worked so hard to forget. And when she asks for his help to travel deeper into the mountain country, he can’t help wonder why God would force him to relive the same mistakes he’s already suffered through. Or maybe taking these two to safety could be the way to redeem himself.

But when their travels prove more treacherous than he imagined, Simeon finds himself pressing the limits of his ability to keep Emma and her brother safe. Can he overcome the past that haunts him to be the man she needs? Will Emma break through the walls around Simeon’s heart before it’s too late, or will the dangers of these mountains be the end of them all?

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Guest Post from Misty M. Beller

The Treasure of Family

I’m an old-fashioned girl. Always have been. And growing up on the family farm, with grandparents in the old farmhouse next door and cousins living all around us, I can’t imagine my life without family. Now that I’m married with three daughters of my own, I treasure my family even more—both immediate and extended!

In my books, I tend to weave the importance of family into each story somewhere, and This Treacherous Journey is no exception! I first wrote the prologue as a standalone short story, the account of the birth of the hero from another of my books (Reuben Scott from The Lady and the Mountain Call).

It was the story of a father, grieving the loss of his wife and feeling as if he has no choice but to give his newborn twins to another family to raise. I wrote this part of the story a week after my third daughter was born, and I cried buckets through the writing! The story has an even stronger emotional connection for me, because my younger brother and sister were both adopted into our family. I can’t imagine their birth parents having the courage to give them up for adoption unless they knew without a doubt it was the best choice for those sweet babies.

So, as you read This Treacherous Journey, it’s my prayer that you’ll take a moment to cherish your own family. Remember all the special moments. Spend extra time with those you love. Relish the treasures God placed in your life!

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Misty M. Beller writes romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love.

She was raised on a farm in South Carolina, so her Southern roots run deep. Growing up, her family was close, and they continue to keep that priority today. Her husband and daughters now add another dimension to her life, keeping her both grounded and crazy.

God has placed a desire in Misty’s heart to combine her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life, writing historical novels that display God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.

Writing is a dream come true for Misty. Her family–both immediate and extended–is the foundation that holds her secure in that dream.

You can find Misty on:

Misty M. Beller

Book Review by Bree Herron

Come make a journey with characters that will bring the reader into their world. See the mountains and scenes that become an escape into your own mind. This book will transport you as the reader to a time and place that was majestic.


There was so many reasons to love many of these characters, Simeon Grant a man that loses so much only to be faced with a new direction in the future, that he didn’t plan. Emma Malcom is a charming and yet broken as Simeon is. She certainly one that speaks volumes to Simeon’s memory. Joseph is Emma’s brother and wasn’t the main guy in this book, I liked what I read of him. Simeon is certainly a man looking to bury himself in the mountains alone, I wouldn’t blame him with his past, but I love that you as a reader slowly gain hope for his heart and soul to bloom again.

Enjoyable Moments

The shock Simeon felt when Emma appeared was certainly a glorious moment for me, but I really loved how the writer had the characters interact. The author was detailed with her setting and personalities that it was magic for my mind to envision this book.


This was the first time I have read a book by this author, but won’t be the last. I journeyed with characters through heart ache and love. I found solace in the setting many times and felt as though I was there in person. If that sounds like a good book then this is the book for you.

I Rate it

Do you travel through a story with the characters?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

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<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away a grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!! Find out all the details and enter to WIN at This Treacherous Journey Celebration Tour Giveaway.

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  1. Kay Garrett

    Appreciate you being part of the book tour.

    Thanks for the review on “This Treacherous Journey” and letting me know about another great book that I’d love to read.

  2. Lucy Reynolds

    I loved this book. Enjoyed your review.

  3. MH

    Can’t wait to read it!

  4. Misty M. Beller

    Loved hearing your thoughts on the story, Bree! I’m SO glad you enjoyed it! Blessings!

  5. Audrey Stewart

    I look forward to reading this. I also was raised in SC and still live here.

  6. Faith Creech

    This book looks so good that I am looking forward to reading it! Thanks for chance at the giveaway!

  7. Emma

    This sounds like a very interesting story!

  8. Ann Doohan

    I have read Misty’s books and have this one on pre order, she writes wonderful clean stories and always points the reader to God.

  9. Lori Smanski

    wow what a great review. this really sounds like an emotional book. need to check this one out.

  10. Paula Shreckhise

    This one sounds extra good! Thanks for the review.

  11. Perrianne Askew

    I do try to travel through the story with characters in a book. A talented author helps you picture those characters and the setting in your mind anyway. I’d love to read this book. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

  12. Suzanne Sellner

    Thank you for your review. This sounds like an exciting book, which I’d enjoy reading.


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