The Theory of Happily Ever After

- Author: Kristin Billerbeck
- Publisher: Revell Publishing
- Print Length: 288 pages
- Release Date:May 1, 2018
- I Rate it:
- Genre: Christian
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Book Summary
According to Dr. Maggie Maguire, happiness is serious science, as serious as Maggie takes herself. But science can’t always account for life’s anomalies–for instance, why her fiancé dumped her for a silk-scarf acrobat and how the breakup sent Maggie spiraling into an extended ice cream-fueled chick flick binge.
Concerned that she might never pull herself out of this nosedive, Maggie’s friends book her as a speaker on a “New Year, New You” cruise in the Gulf of Mexico. Maggie wonders if she’s qualified to teach others about happiness when she can’t muster up any for herself. But when a handsome stranger on board insists that smart women can’t ever be happy, Maggie sets out to prove him wrong. Along the way she may discover that happiness has far less to do with the head than with the heart.
Filled with memorable characters, snappy dialogue, and touching romance, Kristin Billerbeck’s The Theory of Happily Ever After shows that the search for happiness may be futile–because sometimes happiness is already out there searching for you.
Kristin Billerbeck is the author of more than 30 novels, including "What a Girl Wants" and the Ashley Stockingdale and Spa Girls Series. She is a fourth-generation Californian, who loves her state and the writing fodder it provides
You can find Kristin on:
Book Review by Bree Herron
Getting ready to set sail on a wave of romantic comedy. Set in the post break-up of Dr. Maggie and her “perfect” match readers will find themselves laughing at Maggie’s antics, awkward moments and plain funny incidents. I couldn’t have wanted or expected a more fun chick-lit read to start my summer!
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. Seriously, this character was like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory in my mind. The science made sense but the social and human aspects didn’t always make sense to Maggie. I loved her. I love awkward characters and Maggie fit this. But she was also mourning love, and modern gals mourn the break-up the same way. I would go with ice cream and Hallmark any day.
Maggie’s friends made her get off the couch and move forward with life. I loved that they took her on a singles cruise. But also they were a great match of friends for her, and ones that reminded me of dear friends. There is a handsome bartender and Sam (a grumpy but very attractive man) who start to make Maggie’s heart compete with her mind. These two men were opposites but a great combination in making Maggie wake up and feel alive again.
Enjoyable Moments
Maggie was booked on the cruise for free, she is a famous author about love after all. But she did have to give a talk and let me tell you the talk was hot! I mean the room was on fire… literally. I loved this moment and the way Maggie behaved was priceless. I think I read this part four times just for the smiles and laughs.
Overall, this book will be a hit for fans of books that have modern characters (think late 80’s born characters) and smart females struggling to find love. Personally, the book was awesome and relatable for me and Maggie was an epic character. I loved her!
**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.
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Thank you for your great review on “The Theory of Happily Ever After” by
Kristin Billerbeck. Greatly appreciate your bringing this book to my attention. Sounds like a great read and a book I’d love the opportunity to read.