The Innkeeper’s Daughter

  • Author: Michelle Griep
  • Publisher: Shiloh Run Press
  • Print Length: 320 pages
  • Release Date: March 1, 2018
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

A London officer goes undercover to expose a plot against the Crown Dover, England, 1808: Officer Alexander Moore goes undercover as a gambling gentleman to expose a high-stakes plot against the king—and he’s a master of disguise, for Johanna Langley believes him to be quite the rogue. . .until she can no longer fight against his unrelenting charm. All Johanna wants is to keep the family inn afloat, but when the rent and the hearth payment are due at the same time, where will she find the extra funds? If she doesn’t come up with the money, there will be nowhere to go other than the workhouse—where she’ll be separated from her ailing mother and ten-year-old brother. Alex desperately wants to help Johanna, especially when she confides in him, but his mission—finding and bringing to justice a traitor to the crown—must come first, or they could all end up dead.

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Guest Post from Michelle Griep

Celebrating Oak Apple Day

Spring is just around the corner, or maybe it’s in full bloom in your neck of the woods. Regardless, by this time of year, everyone is ready to celebrate. . .and nothing new is under the sun. For centuries people have been eager to welcome budding greenery and warmth.

In my recent release, The Innkeeper’s Daughter, I incorporated a spring holiday that’s been around for over 500 years in England, one you may never heard of.

Oak Apple Day.

This ancient celebration dates back to the year 1651. At the time, Charles II escaped the Roundhead army by taking cover in an oak tree. Everyone loved ol’ Charlie and was glad he lived, so in his honor, a new national holiday was born—one that in some parts of England is still celebrated today.

Another name for this annual event is Royal Oak Day and the festivities occur every May 29th. Celebration traditions vary from parades to the ringing of bells, but one thing that is standard is that it’s a day to pin an oak leaf on your lapel. If you fail to wear one, you could end up getting pinched.

The hero in my latest release is kind enough to remind the heroine that she forgot to pin on her leaf, thus saving her from untoward pinches. Interested in hearing more about this gallant fellow and the forgetful miss? Here’s a blurb about The Innkeeper’s Daughter

Tension is high with the threat of a Napoleonic attack in Regency England, but risk from abroad means nothing when there’s danger at home.

Officer Alexander Moore goes undercover as a gambling gentleman to expose a high-stakes plot against the crown—and he’s a master of disguise, for Johanna Langley believes him to be quite the rogue . . . until she can no longer fight against his unrelenting charm.

All Johanna wants is to keep the family inn afloat, but when the rent and the hearth payment are due at the same time, where will she find the extra funds? If she doesn’t come up with the money, there will be nowhere to go other than the workhouse—where she’ll be separated from her ailing mother and ten-year-old brother.

Alex desperately wants to help Johanna, especially when she confides in him, but his mission—finding and bringing to justice a traitor to the crown—must come first, or they could all end up dead.

It’s a race against time for them both.

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Michelle Griep’s been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. She is the author of both Regency and Colonial historical romances but also leaped the writerly fence into the realm of contemporary with the zany romantic mystery Out of the Frying Pan.

You can find Michelle on:


Book Review by Bree Herron

Secrets, spies and faith? Sign me up! This was a beautiful novel to read, I could use many more adjectives to sum it up, but beautiful encompasses not only the writing style of the author but the characters and setting.  I fell in love with Alex, and Johanna became a woman to admire and like. Mystery is the carriage that courses through the book, but not without faith and family struggles hoisted on top.


Well, I could talk about both characters, but I am in love with Alex. So this is all about him, okay maybe some about Johanna. Alex is a man of character but also mystery (hello, he is undercover and spying) he certainly can get under Johanna’s skin and both begin to see the possibility of love (ugh, Alex really? I am right here in the 21st century and not a fictional character) . Johanna has her hands full, trying to be the sister, and model for her brother, who is struggling with following their dad’s poor path. Johanna is sweet and kind but firm in her beliefs, she is working hard to do things right, and I can relate to her a lot.

The author gives you many other characters that will charm the reader, from Johanna’s brother struggling to find his way, to Lucius a simple minded man, yet he was full of words and love. I truly loved meeting the variety of characters in this book.

Enjoyable Moments

I usually love the romance scenes, and the faith finding moments of a character, and I do in this book. Alex’s mission took center stage in my mind however, I was envision an 1800’s James Bond in my mind. He is doing some dark undercover moments and to some in our time now gambling rings and such may not seem that taboo. But back then they were the darkest of the dark and were usually filled those that were wanting to do more sinister actions. The mystery and thrill in this book is top notch and I was swept right into the lives of these characters.


I was born in the wrong century. I would have loved to be character during this time period, and fell instantly love with our location and time period.


I give this book five stars, the author did a fantastic job of creating the story in this reader’s mind and allowing me to feel immersed in the plot.  I knew I would enjoy this book just because I adore period novels, but this one had a special zest to it. The characters become engraved in your mind, quickly becoming like family. I love the faith point of the story, you truly need to give it to God and allow him the control.

I Rate it

Would you love a man with a spy quality?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

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<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

To celebrate her tour, Michelle is giving away a grand prize of a signed copy of The Innkeeper’s Daughter and a $25 gift card from Barnes & Noble!!! Find out all the details and enter to WIN at The Innkeeper’s Daughter Celebration Tour Giveaway.

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NetGalley Professional Reader Frequently Auto-Approved 200 Book Reviews 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Great Escape Tour Host BethanyHouse Blogger Reviewer

Peruse My Other Reviews

  • Ain’t Misbehaving
  • Shine Like the Dawn
  • Called to Justice
  • This Couragous Journey
  • Midnight at the Tuscany Hotel
  • Secrets
  • Dare to Begin Again
  • The Ghost and the Bogus Bestseller
  • I Know the Plans
  • Enchanting Nicholette
  • Clairvoyant and Present Danger
  • Deadly Dog Days
  • Songs of Blackbird Mountain
  • Wrapped In God's Grace—Barbara Bras
  • On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
  • Top 5 Christian Authors of 2016
  • Summer Prescott- Part 2 interview
  • The Final Fondue - Maya Corrigan
  • The Tempering Agent
  • 21 Days of Love
  • I Know the Plans
  • Character Spotlight—Drew Marek
  • Seeds of Revenge
  • Her Place in Time
  • Scavenger Hunt with "Lady Luck’s a Loser"
  • No Small Storms
  • The Return Celebration Tour
  • Priscilla's Escape
  • Occult and Battery
  • Bearly Departed
  • Tail of the Dragon
  • Justice Mission
  • The Vintage Wren

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  1. Michelle Griep

    Thanks for the sweet review! And I agree…Alex is a bit of a swoon-worthy Bond, eh?

    • Bree Herron

      He sure is!! I was instantly in love.

  2. Kay Garett

    Thank you for your wonderful review, which makes me want to read the book all the more, and for being part of the book tour.

    I’d love the opportunity to read the book and it’s definitely on my TBR list.

  3. Alison Boss

    Thanks for a GREAT review!I think a man with a spy quality would be very intriguing, for sure! I have been captivated with ‘The Innkeeper’s Daughter’ since I first heard about it! I find the whole storyline of Alex as an 1800’s James Bond…well I agree…swoon-worthy! 🙂 All the characters sounds like a great mix into one captivating story! Oh! I just love reading! So many grand adventures…. 🙂


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