Surround Me- Marguerite Martin Gray

Surround Me
  • Author: Marguerite Martin Gray
  • Publisher: Westbow Press
  • Print Length: 279 pages
  • Release Date: September 19,2016
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

As the dark curtain of the rumors of revolution threatens to descend, Louis Lestarjette pursues his relationship with Elizabeth even as the emotional and physical struggles set the course for a life of changes. Will his commitment to God stay firm, or will the tide of change cause fear and flight?

The chance of reconciliation with England moves further out to sea, leaving Elizabeth Elliott on the shores of surrender to a greater challenge. Although others of unwavering courage give her strength, she must choose to allow God’s love to surround her. How can she enter into a marriage during a time of uncertainty? Will selfish, safer options take her away from Louis and his love?

Set in 1773 Charles Town, Surround Me, the sequel to Hold Me Close, takes the reader into the lives of colonists confronting imminent change and unpredictable circumstances binding them together to become a formidable force.

Surround Me - banner

Guest Post from Marguerite Martin Gray

About ten years ago I stood in the front bedroom of my parent’s antebellum house listening to my father tell stories about his ancestors–my ancestors while waving around a silver candlestick–my eight times great-grandfather’s gift to his bride. A story was born and I was off to Charleston, S.C.

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Marguerite enjoys the study of history, especially when combined with fiction. An avid traveler and reader, she teaches French and has degrees in French, Spanish, and Journalism from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Recently, she received a MA in English from Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene. She has two grown children and currently lives with her husband in Abilene, Texas.

She writes historical fiction. Hold Me Close: Revolutionary Faith Book One is set in pre-revolution Charles Town and takes the reader into the lives of immigrants, ordinary citizens, and prominent historical figures at a time in which decisions are made that will change the world.

Surround Me: Revolutionary Faith Book Two (Fall 2016), Bring Me Near: Revolutionary Faith Book Three (2017), Draw Me to Your Side (Work in Progress).

Marguerite Martin Gray

Book Review by Bree Herron

Ms. Gray has given us a sequel to that rivals the first book in the series. The style of the book is superb, bringing the reader back in time. Come travel in this story and see how love can conquer all.

I ate up the first book, turning the pages as quick as my kindle would allow. Upon receiving Surround Me, I chose to take it slower. I wanted to save this next installment of Elizabeth and Louis. I wanted to savor their love. I wasn’t disappointed in the journey. Ms. Gray creates such a beautiful and faith filled love story, that one in the modern day can only imagine having.  I would put it in the same category for timeless love stories, a modern day Austen.

The historical aspect to this book almost out does the story line for me. It’s not as strongly presented in this book, but what pieces we do get, I was quick to confirm and study more. Elizabeth was a progressive woman for her time, and Louis seemed like a man that will have Elizabeth walk beside him, not behind. I hope readers of historical fiction, romance and faith based stories will find this book to be stunning and as enjoyable as I did.

I Rate it

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**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

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<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

To celebrate her tour, Marguerite is giving away a print copy of Hold Me Close and Surround Me, print copy of A Spy’s Devotion by Melanie Dickerson, $10 Amazon Card, Yorkshire Gold Box of Tea! Find out all the details and enter to WIN at Surround Me Celebration Tour Giveaway.

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1 Comment

  1. Marilyn R

    I enjoyed reading Surround Me and Hold Me Close by Marguerite Gray. l apprecicated the connection to her own family and the history in both of these books. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


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