Springs of Love

Springs of Love: An Amish Spring Collection
  • Author: Laura V. Hilton,Rachel J. Good, Thomas Nye
  • Print Length: 227 pages
  • Release Date: June 7, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

The Kissing Bridge
Escaping the past isn’t as easy as it should be…

Anna thought her bad decisions would fade into nothing after she vanished for a few months. Her motives would be clear, her mistakes erased, and she’d be able to rewrite her future the way she wanted. It didn’t work out the way she’d planned. Instead, she discovered her actions have consequences and they had to be paid.

Reuben loved Anna for as long as he could remember, but before he could get serious about courting her, his brother, Mark, won her away. But now she’s back and she beginning to pay the steep price for her mistakes. Reuben tries to help her as much as he can, and the decisions he makes will cost them both everything.

Sold on Love
When Lavina Fisher takes over the household while Mamm’s away, things go from bad to worse. And her younger brother, Stephen, is mostly to blame. Then an accident forces Lavina to face her fears—and her ex-boyfriend. Can she swallow her pride and accept Aaron’s help with the latest disaster?

Cowboys and Amish Girls
Rodeo cowboy, Truman Gunderson, had never met an Amish girl. Amish sisters, Faith, Hope, and Charity had yet to lay eyes on a real, live cowboy. That is until Truman’s galloping horse crosses paths with Charity’s runaway buggy. Truman is not the type to shy away from any challenge, but after he learns something about Faith, Hope, and especially Charity, he realizes that he has met his match.

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">The Authors</span></span></h2>
Laura V. Hilton

Laura V. Hilton

Rachel J. Good

Rachel J. Good

 Thomas Nye

Thomas Nye

Book Review by Bree Herron

Ever just want a book that is set in an Amish setting, and has sweet as a new flower romance? Me, too! This three novella collection was the perfect fix for a June day.

I am going to give my three reasons that this book stood out in the Amish genre. This is a tough section of Christian fiction to break into, and I think that this collection did a great job of representing the Amish fiction.

  1. All our characters are facing hardships. We have secrets of our past, facing the present and certainly being out of their element with the stories. I found that I enjoyed the fact that these stories were realistically created with the idea that this could happen in their lives. I could see this happening. I personally enjoyed the rodeo guy, that story was a whole new element of cool.


2.All the authors did a good job of giving quality to their Amish settings. I could see that each author knew their material and were familiar with writing about the Amish. This allowed me to really enjoy reading the stories, and not question if the material was correct to the Amish or not. Though fictional liberties were taken to create the story, I really felt as though they respected the culture they were writing about.

3. I am going to cyber high-five our male author, I have never read a romance book written by a male author. As this was my first experience I was very pleased with his work. He owned this story and it was certainly my personal favorite out of the three.I love the setting and the characters in this story.

In the overall perspective this collection was as a must read for the springtime. I think that Amish fiction fans will enjoy the collection and so will Christian romance readers.


I Rate it

What is your favorite setting for an Amish story? Do you like when there is unique details or stick to the strict Amish?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

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  1. Lucy Reynolds

    Thank you for the review. Would love to read.

    • Rachel J. Good

      Thanks for stopping by, Lucy! Hope you’ll enjoy the book!

  2. Judith Smith

    Your review of each story has piqued my interest. I have never read an Amish romance written by a man, but since it was your favorite of the three, I just have to find out why! I have read several books by Rachel, and actually finished reading “The Amish Wanderer” by Laura earlier this week. Looks like my next purchase from Amazon is “Springs of Love”. Seems only fair to read something by Thomas Nye (and to satisfy my curiosity)!

    • Rachel J.Good

      Hope you enjoy reading Thomas’s story, Judith. Thanks so much for reading my books and Laura’s.

  3. Anne Rightler

    One of my great or maybe great-great grandfathers helped to build a covered bridge in Pennsylvania. Thanks for the review. Sounds like a good one. Thomas Nye is a new to me author–may just have to check this out!!

    • Rachel J.Good

      How exciting to be related to the builder of a covered bridge, Anne! Hope you enjoy the book!

  4. Tiffany Hall

    Great review! I love Amish fiction period, but I do enjoy unique details and situations. Looking forward to reading this book!

    • Rachel J.Good

      I agree Amish fiction is so much fun to read, Tiffany. Hope you’ll like the three different settings and situations in this anthology.

  5. Deana Dick

    Loved the review. Can’t wait to read the book. Love that there is a new author to me to get to know. Thomas I look forward to your story.

    • Rachel J.Good

      Thanks for stopping by, Deana! Hope you’ll enjoy the stories.

  6. Lane Hill House

    Hi, Bree,
    I just finished my visit at the celebration of Springs of Love author intros. https://www.facebook.com/events/1499429543409867/permalink/1521935481159273 ~ inviting others to come over and read comments. As you are the first reviewer here, I wanted to come over and see your outlook on the stories. I agree, I would like to read about the cowboy and the sisters’ encounters. My uncle had draft horses, Pat and Mike; such fond memories of their farm life.

    I have read only one of these authors. Love novella collections for that very reason ~ to meet new authors and sometimes have eBook novellas in print for the first time. Thank you! I enjoyed your overview and impressions. Kathleen

    • Rachel J.Good

      Thanks for visiting the intro site, Kathleen! How interesting that your uncle had draft horses. That’s a great memory to have! Hope you’ll enjoy Springs of Love!

  7. Laura V Hilton

    Thanks for hosting us, Bree! I loved the humor in Tom’s story

  8. Stacey

    Thanks for your insight. These were enjoyable stories to read. My favorite by far was Rachel Good’s. Her writing is beautiful and her Amish details are authentic. I have been to many mud sales and her details were spot on. I recommend this collection to everyone who enjoys Amish fiction.

    • Rachel J.Good

      Thank you for your kind words, Stacey! I try hard to do accurate research when I’m writing a story, and always check with knowledgeable Amish readers. I’m glad you appreciated the details. So glad you enjoyed the book!


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