Plain Everyday Heroes

- Author: Rachel J. Good, Laura V. Hilton, Thomas Nye
- Publisher: Celebrate Lit Publishing
- Print Length: 194 pages
- Release Date: July 4, 2018
- I Rate it:
- Genre: Christian
- Purchase on Amazon
Book Summary
They come in all shapes, sizes, and temperaments. Sometimes they’re
larger-than-life wonders who do grandiose things, but more often than
not, they’re ordinary people who do something that feels extraordinary
to the person they help. They’re just “Everyday Heroes.”
Playing with Fire by Laura V. Hilton
After a devastating fire, Noah Behr’s faith is buried in rubble, but
time spent searching for God and the love of Arie Zimmerman might just
bring the healing his heart and soul needs.
An Unlikely Hero by Rachel J. Good
When a stranger arrives and arouses Benuel Miller’s suspicions, the
blind shopkeeper doesn’t let his guard down for a minute… until Mari
enters the picture. Something sinister simmers under the surface, and
Benuel risks his life and hope of love to discover the truth about the
Racing the Slow Girls by Thomas Nye
Daniel Shetler just wanted fun with his friends, but when Miriam Hostetler
and her friends get in the way, a not-so-friendly rivalry begins. Things
change when Miriam’s little sister goes missing, he finds himself drawn to
her and her family.
Guest Post from Laura V. Hilton
Arie’s habanero chili
1 lb stew meat: venison, or beef
1/4 cup bacon bits
1/2 Onion, diced
Green pepper, diced
2 cans of habanero Rotel
1 can tomato sauce
1 can kidney beans
1 can pinto beans
1/2 cup sliced jalapenos
1 TSP cayenne pepper
3 TB chili powder
2 TB beef bouillon
1 TSP paprika
1 TSP pepper
2 TB garlic
salt to taste
Saute onion and pepper, set aside. Sear stew meat in hot pan until brown. Do not over cook. Add meat and other ingredients to pot and simmer until done. Add water if necessary. Serve with cornbread. Approximately 7 servings
Recipe compliments of Michael Hilton (Laura’s son)
Rachel J. Good, inspirational author, writes heartfelt tales of hope, faith, and forgiveness. She grew up near Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the setting for her Amish novels. A former teacher and librarian, she completed her MA from Vermont College while raising five children. She is presently an MFA student at Hollins University. In addition to having more tha 2200 articles and 30 books in print or forthcoming under several pseudonyms, she also juggles freelance editing and illustration careers.
Laura V. Hilton is an award-winning, sought-after author with almost twenty Amish, contemporary, and historical romances. When she’s not writing, she reviews books for her blogs, and writes devotionals for blog posts for Seriously Write and Putting on the New.
Laura and her pastor-husband have five children and a hyper dog named Skye. They currently live in Arkansas. One son is in the U.S. Coast Guard. She is a pastor’s wife, and homeschools her two youngest children.
When she’s not writing, Laura enjoys reading, and visiting lighthouses and waterfalls. Her favorite season is winter, her favorite holiday is Christmas.
Thomas Nye writes novels about horses and Amish life, with a touch of romance, and a foundation of faith in Christ. He and his wife, Shari, live on her family farm where they raised five children. Their six grandchildren love to visit Karma and Karla, a team of draft horses which Thomas purchased from an Amish friend.
Book Review by Bree Herron
Three stories, three ways to see heroes in uncommon ways. I really think each other did a nice job creating a setting and characters that readers can enjoy. It was as though the reader got to travel to each place and be a part of the action.
Good created a suspenseful novel that had me quickly flying through the pages.I wanted to know about the ladies’ pasts and what Benuel Miller would do to help. It was a neat to see that Benuel was able to step up and be an unlikely hero.
Hilton had a story that was heart touching and of course hosted a fire that caused our main character to reevaluate his life. Noah is a character that had many depths to his personality and was very likeable. I think the chili cook off was one of my favorite points in the story, but I was hungry when reading this story.
Nye had a story that would grip your heart. When a sister goes missing and is in medical need, what is a guy to do but try and help? That moment where Daniel decides to stop being a bully and be a good guy was great, and made my heart happy. I also love that we get to celebrate the 4th of July in this novel.
Each story is very different from the others, and will be touching to different readers. I think those that enjoy Amish fiction will enjoy these stories and find them to be a bright spot in their day.
Who is an uncommon hero in your life?
**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.
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My uncommon hero is my husband. You may ask what is uncommon about that and I’d tell you that when we first met neither of us really cared for the other at all. It was really a matter of the things that was going on in each others lives because a few years later we met and we really hit it off from the get go. As they say, timing is everything.
He is my hero because of who he is and all he does. A prime example is when my Mom was living with us after cancer surgery and with Alzheimer, we were caregivers 24/7. He was working a full time job but still got up early to help me as much as he could before going to work. Then as soon as he got home, hot and tired, he took over so I could get small bit of “me” time to relax and relieve some of the stress from the day. He ended up taking early retirement because he said he knew lifting and caring for Mom was just too much for me. He did it all with a happy heart saying he would do anything for “his” Mom. If that isn’t a hero, then I don’t know what is. 🙂
I would love the opportunity to read “Plain Everyday Heroes” by these three amazing authors.
What a touching tribute to a special husband, Kay! So glad you joined us here!
My uncommon heroes are those I see doing wonderful things for not only me but others. Nice review of Plain Everyday Heroes.
I love seeing that too, Marilyn. Happy you’re here with us!
Thanks so much for hosting us, Bree, and for your insightful review. Many blessings!
Thank you for taking the time to read Playing with Fire and reviewing it.