Of Stillness and Storm

- Author: Michele Phoenix
- Publisher: Thomas Nelson
- Print Length: 336 pages
- Release Date: December 6, 2016
- I Rate it:
- Genre: Christian
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Book Summary
“I felt torn between two worlds. Each with its own mystery. One more captivating than the other, but the other more real and breathing.”
It took Lauren and her husband ten years to achieve their dream—reaching primitive tribes in remote regions of Nepal. But while Sam treks into the Himalayas for weeks at a time, finding passion and purpose in his work among the needy, Lauren and Ryan stay behind, their daily reality more taxing than inspiring. For them, what started as a calling begins to feel like the family’s undoing.
At the peak of her isolation and disillusion, a friend from Lauren’s past enters her life again. But as her communication with Aidan intensifies, so does the tension of coping with the present while reengaging with the past. It’s thirteen-year-old Ryan who most keenly bears the brunt of her distraction.
Intimate and bold, Of Stillness and Storm weaves profound dilemmas into a tale of troubled love and honorable intentions gone awry.
Born in France to a Canadian father and an American mother, Michèle Phoenix is a consultant, writer and speaker with a heart for Third Culture Kids. She taught for 20 years at Black Forest Academy (Germany) before launching her own advocacy venture under Global Outreach Mission. Michèle travels globally to consult and teach on topics related to this unique people group. She loves good conversations, mischievous students, Marvel movies and paths to healing.
Book Review by Bree Herron
Sometimes our faith takes us to the ends of the earth, each moment is planned by his will if we allow it. Of Stillness and Storm brings the reader to Nepal and missionary work. Each character is well thought out and determined to show the different struggles and joys of such work.
Lauren is a missionary, more of wife to man wanting to bring his whole being to Nepal. Their son is struggling, and their marriage is strained. Life isn’t how she thought it would be. Until she is able to go back down memory lane with Aiden, a dear friend. The struggles as a woman, are blaring like a horn in Lauren’s mind. She is struggling to feel whole and struggling to find sparks of joy. She finds moments of comfort in conversation with dear friends, but her walk with God is straying far from the path. A tragic moment with her son, makes Lauren face her darkest feelings.
This book makes the reader see many different relationships with God. The struggles of missionary life, and the strain one’s path can put when forced on others. I relished in reading this book. Not for the pain of the characters but for their individual strengths and moments of clarity. The peace of mind that God has unique plans for us all, came to me with reading this book. It was breath-taking in moments and swirling with hope.
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