Author Spotlight—Melissa Jagears
Historical Fiction and a beautifully written story is what you can always expect from Melissa Jagears. Having just released her latest book A Love So True, it is a pleasure to have her by the blog today! I am honored to share some tidbits and exciting news for her fans about upcoming releases.
Teaville Moral Society Book Series
Book 2


Book 1

Much to her introverted self’s delight, Melissa Jagears hardly needs to leave her home to be a homeschooling mother and historical romance novelist. She doesn’t have to leave her house to be a housekeeper either, but she’s doubtful she meets the minimum qualifications to claim to be one in her official bio. Her passion is to help Christian believers mature in their faith and judge rightly.
You can find Melissa on:
Thanks for joining me on Bibliophile Reviews, I am very excited for your upcoming release! I like to start with what I call my Triple Fun Questions, just to get us warmed up:
Favorite book that you have read in the last year?
Melissa Jagears
I’ve only read one book since the beginning of the year, but it’s a good one. Freedom’s Ring by Heidi Chiavaroli. (I am going to rectify the lack of books read immediately!)
That looks like an amazing book, and you are busy writing amazing stories yourself, so I can see how reading has taken a bit of backseat.
Coffee, Tea or another drink of choice to get you through the day?
Melissa Jagears
I don’t have anything that gets me through the day. I don’t drink anything regularly other than milk and water.
I’m a tea with cream kinda of gal, but can’t be caught without my water bottle(s). Final question:
Hobbies outside of writing?
Melissa Jagears
I used to have those! ☺ Reading is my main hobby, of course. The only other one I still do is knitting during spelling lessons, because who else will replace my dishcloths?
What a neat hobby, I would love to learn to knit! Now for the bookish questions: Let’s talk a bit about the book prior to your newest release, Tell us about your second book but first official full length novel in the Teaville Moral Society release A Heart Most Certain, what character was the most unique to write?
Melissa Jagears
Lydia was my hardest character for me to write, because she’s the least like me, so I had to write notes to myself on how she’d behave to keep from trying to make her like me and stay true to herself. It doesn’t make her unique to the world at large, but it made her unique for me since she isn’t a personality I understand as well as my own. ☺
I could only imagine writing a character that wasn’t like you. I always picture the characters as me, so would certainly struggle. I am so excited to say Happy Book Birthday to your newest book in the series A Love So True, what made you decide to have a theme with orphans? I love the name of your heroine, Evelyn that was my grandmother’s name
Melissa Jagears
Thanks, Evelyn was my aunt’s name too. The orphan theme came about from the last book when my characters had to wrestle with how to meet the needs of the “least of these” in the best way they could during their time in history.
I love the continuation of the it. And it takes such a beautiful soul to create a story line such as yours. How do you envision Teaville, what town would it look like?
Melissa Jagears
Wow, what a great picture of a town from that time. I really love that you had a city you thought of for it. Final question:
Do you have a fourth book coming?
Melissa Jagears
I have a fourth and a fifth! Tied and True (I think that’s the official title) will be in a collection with Witemeyer, Connealy and Jennings in Hearts Entwined Romance Collection near the turn of the year and will be a simultaneous novella occurring alongside the story of A Love So True, and then the last full length book A Chance at Forever will be next spring sometime.
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