High as the Heavens

High as the Heavens
  • Author: Kate Breslin
  • Publisher: Bethany House
  • Print Length: 400 pages
  • Release Date: June 6, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Page-Turning Intrigue and Romance from an Up-and-Coming Historical Romance Talent

In 1917, Evelyn Marche is just one of many women who has been widowed by the war. A British nurse trapped in German-occupied Brussels, she spends her days working at a hospital and her nights as a waitress in her aunt and uncle’s café. Eve also has a carefully guarded secret keeping her in constant danger: She’s a spy working for a Belgian resistance group in league with the British Secret Service.

When a British plane crashes in Brussels Park, Eve is the first to reach the downed plane and is shocked to discover she recognizes the badly injured pilot. British RFC Captain Simon Forrester is now a prisoner of war, and Eve knows he could be shot as a spy at any time. She risks her own life to hide him from the Germans, but as the danger mounts and the secrets between them grow, their chance of survival looks grim. And even if they do make it out alive, the truth of what lies between them may be more than any love can overcome.

High As the Heavens
<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Former bookseller-turned-author Kate Breslin enjoys life in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and family. A writer of travel articles and award-winning poetry, Kate received Christian Retailing's 2015 Best Award for First Time Author and her debut novel, For Such A Time, was shortlisted for both the Christy and RITA awards and received the American Christian Fiction Writer's 2015 Carol Award for Debut Novel. Kate's third novel, High As The Heavens, will release June, 2017. When she's not writing inspirational fiction, Kate enjoys reading or taking long walks in Washington's beautiful woodlands. She also likes traveling to new places, both within the U.S. and abroad, having toured Greece, Rome, and much of Western Europe. New destinations make for fresh story ideas. Please visit her at:

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Kate Breslin

Book Review by Bree Herron

Could there be anything sweeter than a romance set in war time? Yes, war is nothing beautiful, but sometimes the love stories can out shine the impossible darkness. That is what Ms. Breslin’s book did, it out shined WWI darkness to remind us that love can have second chances.

Evelyn (a name I adore) is a smart and sweet lady. I think she was brilliant in many ways with how she worked in secret to protect those that the Germans were against. She works hard and faithfully providing care and love to those around her. I felt an immediate kinship to her with wanting to care for all. Reading her emotions about saving her husband was heart melting, and a struggle I could feel the pieces falling into place in her mind and I fell quickly into cheering that they would succeed and have love conquer all.

Simon is one tough guy. And in my mind he is all man. A hunk with a chip on his shoulder not knowing if his wife is trust worthy. These two are perfectly created in author’s words and God’s eyes. That was a point that became clear quickly.

What I really loved was that there was a cause for their drive to succeed. They both wanted the war to end with the Germans losing, and they were much better together than thinking that they were working against each other. God was in the writing with this story and certainly had this reader soaring high in the love, faith and era of what I think of as the “book that should be on every reader’s nightstand”. Till next time, I am going to continue to float on the clouds.


I Rate it

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1 Comment

  1. Paula

    I’m looking forward to this book!


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