Hiding from the Kids in My Prayer Closet

- Author: Jessica Kastner
- Publisher: David C. Cook
- Print Length: 208 pages
- Release Date: July 1, 2017
- I Rate it:
- Genre: Christian
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Book Summary
Soon after Jessica Kastner became a mother, she wondered if she was the only mom who found pretend play more boring than watching playdough harden and who dreaded yet another friend’s Instagram post of homemade deliciousness.
In Hiding from My Kids in the Prayer Closet, Kastner shares her experience as an “unmom”—a mom who loves her kids more than she loves the daily experience of mothering. She helps readers laugh at the ridiculous, delight in the unpredictable, and enjoy being the mothers God made them to be.
Jessica Kastner is an award-winning journalist and a regular contributor for the Christian Broadcasting Network’s website, CBN.com, The Huffington Post’s Christianity blog and Beliefnet.com. She shares her "fluff free" commentary on the Christian life at JessicaKastner.com, and serves as the CT Coordinator for Straight Ahead Ministries, leading Bible studies within juvenile detention centers.
You can find Jessica on:
Book Review by Bree Herron
Hiding from the Kids in My Prayer Closet is one of those books that all moms who feel they aren’t doing the “mom thing” right should read. It is a great book that reminds us, that moms are all different and it’s okay!
I was nodding my head in agreement within the first three chapters, I was smiling and sayin’ ” I have been there” within the middle of the book. It was like my mind had written the stories that make me a different mom, out in this book. It is relatable, I mean there really isn’t a mom out there that wouldn’t find at least one moment or piece of this book that would make them laugh or agree.
It was refreshing to have a book that reminded me that I am to focus on the “mom life” my way, not the way it works for other moms. We may share advice, tips and stories but at the end of the day we are all different and our kiddos are not the same. God didn’t design us to be the same, and thank goodness, life would be so dull if we were. God made us into the moms we are, and we are own style. I hope that a mom picks this book up and smiles, I know I did.
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