Healing of the Heart

Healing of the Heart
  • Author: Loree Lough
  • Publisher: Whitaker House
  • Print Length: 337 pages
  • Release Date: June 7, 2016
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Ruby McCoy is haunted by her father’s sins….

When Ruby McCoy arrives in Fairplay, her ornate carriage is followed by an entourage who heft steamer trunks, hatboxes, and traveling bags into the hotel…where she has booked the entire second floor. Upon her notorious gangster father’s death, the now–wealthy Ruby, hiding under her mother’s maiden name, set out to right her father’s wrongs. Ruby is determined to spend every penny of the inherited “blood money” on those who paid the price for her father’s crimes.

Sheriff Rex Truett doesn’t trust Ruby and doesn’t care who knows it. The keeper of Fairplay’s law and order makes it his business to find out why a stranger—especially a beautiful, spoiled, rich, female stranger—would set up businesses, donate to schools, hire workmen to rebuild houses, and provide access to the best medical care. But when a typhoid epidemic sweeps through the city, he is forced to reconsider.

Will Rex blame Ruby for her father’s sins? Or will he accept the possibility that she is trying to create—and feel—the peace her father stole?

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<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

With 107 books (more than 6,000,000 copies in circulation!), best-selling author Loree Lough's writing style has been compared to Nicholas Sparks and Mary Jo Putney; readers and reviewers call her “a gifted writer whose stories touch hearts and change lives.”

With a long list of industry awards, it isn't likely this prolific author will ever retire...not even to her cozy li'l cabin in the Allegheny Mountains. She loves to hear from her readers and personally answers every letter sent to LoreeLough.com.

Loree Lough

Book Review by Bree Herron

Sometimes a book and an author come along that you have been dying to read, and review. Then one day you get the chance and you feel as if you are in book heaven. That is how reading Loree’s newest book Healing of the Hearts, made me feel.

Ruby McCoy, the prominent daughter of a notorious robbery/murderer, is strong, smart, and has the heart of an angel. After learning more about how many lives her father destroyed while “working” Ruby is bound and determined to help the towns that he bloodied. Her poor mother (this lady cracked me up) would rather stay in their high society life back east, but she tags along with Ruby to help make these towns feel a bit whole again. Only catch is Ruby doesn’t want anyone knowing who they really are. Thank goodness they have always used her mother’s maiden name to keep out of the negative spotlight. No one ever knew who Ruby’s father really was or what his unique profession dealt with.  Here are the two lovely ladies arriving in Fairplay, CO where the handsome Rex is sheriff and also a part of Ruby’s fixing list. Boy, do the sparks fly.  This book, is beyond great. Truly, a breath taking novel. The writing style is stunning!! I felt as though I was reading a sonnet, instead of a novel. Loree has a great touch with words. But also the descriptions, you just are watching the book in your mind as you are reading it. That is talent right there.

Healing of the Heart by @LoreeLough on tour with Celebrate_lit @BreeReviews. #free #giveaway for #books. Share on X

Loree Lough posed a question in her book discussion that I was dying to answer, she wanted to know three reasons why Ruby and Rex are great for each other (Sorry, if you haven’t read this yet, spoiler). Now first of all, many know that the two opposing characters in a romance usually end up together. Please, don’t act as though you didn’t guess at it. Moving, beyond this shocker, I can tell you that Loree gave such love and life to these characters that they were destined to be together.

Ruby is strong, and so kind hearted that you as the reader will probably take notes on how to better your skills. Rex is in need of a heart and soul like Ruby. Not want, which is fading, but an actual need that will linger through time. Need is more powerful than want. Rex is strong man, who has a past he has to come to grips with especially since, the woman he will be falling in love with is genetically attached to the past.  But strength needs strength, Rex doesn’t want a wife to walk behind him, but rather as God intended to have her be a cut from his own ribs. Ruby is certainly that.Finally, my last reason as to why they will work out. It is because I said so! I am the reader, hear me roar! These two characters stole my romantic heart and gave it life. Without them succeeding into love, I would literally have stopped reading the book. And since it is a beautiful finish, I hope you can determine that I felt alive from reading it and not broken.

Now, my friends if you want a book that shows how redemption, and forgiveness is done. This is the book for you. If you enjoy a historical setting and charming characters, this is the book for you. And if you want a love that will mist the eyes, look no further than Rex and Ruby. I promise this book will sweep you away.

I Rate it

What do you think helps characters end up together?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

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<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

To celebrate her tour, Loree is giving away wonderful prizes including the a basket of her books! Find out all the details and enter to WIN at Healing of the Heart Celebrate Lit Giveaway.

Don’t forget to comment here on the blog, for your extra 9 entries into the giveaway!

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  1. Caryl Kane

    Excellent review, Bree! I enjoy stories of redemption.

  2. Cathy Hickling

    Great review! I love the energy and pizzazz in Loree Lough’s books, particularly this series. Thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts, especially that last paragraph — that’s one a publicist loves to repeat over and over and over. And that’s who I am so please don’t enter me in the contest. Blessings!!

    • Bree Herron

      Thank you for such kind words!

  3. Joan Kurth

    Sounds very interesting!


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