Don’t Go Through Life Naked

- Author: Susan B. Mead
- Publisher: Susan B. Mead Ministries
- Print Length: 113 pages
- Release Date: January 23, 2018
- I Rate it:
- Genre: Christian
- Purchase on Amazon
Book Summary
Why do I feel like I’m going through life naked if I’m following God faithfully?
The Bible tells you the war has already been won, yet some days you simply feel undone.
The enemy of your soul wants you to feel out of control…overwhelmed, outwitted and under resourced. When you listen to the lies the enemy weaves in your marriage, finances, relationships, and health, he wreaks havoc. Steals your joy. Kills your hope. And aims to not only dull, but destroy the power of God in your life.
In Don’t Go through Life Naked, Susan B. Mead shares her own deeply personal experiences with feeling exposed and engaging the enemy—from the recurring nightmares of childhood to the loss of her son and perceived judgment of others.
With scriptural insight, let’s-get-real vulnerability, and a wry sense of humor, Mead helps readers:
– Toss out misconceptions about spiritual warfare to understand what Jesus really said about your spiritual authority and the certainty you have in him.
– Know what to pray to steady your soul and restore your confidence.
– Stop feeling overrun by the enemy and start believing the authority of God abides in you to overcome.
In Don’t Go through Life Naked, Mead provides strong spiritual weapons for your life through the scripture of God’s prayer book, the Bible. These weapons enable you to successfully clothe yourself in God’s power to walk through the challenges of life and step into God’s promises every day.
Guest Post from Susan B. Mead
Seriously Susan? You’re taking the Word of God and making it laughable?
Yes, I am. The subject we address is serious – it is arming ourselves with the Full Armor of God. Do you realize that makes this topic Spiritual Warfare? Yes! Warfare. Why was I compelled to write about this?
We address being 1) aware of the adversary, 2) mindful of his methods and 3) positioned for combat with a powerful promise.
God gave me His sense of humor to lighten the mood and open our minds to His message. Now that is a blessing, in my humble opinion.
Why would God let me poke lightly at this problem? So we can look forward to digging in to discover every tidbit, tool, and treasure He has for us. The world is unprincipled. It’s dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t fight fair. But we don’t live or fight our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren’t for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity.
Do you see the nuggets here? I consider them valuable like pure gold and solid silver. When we forge the Word of God into our hearts, He equips us with a tool – the sword of the Spirit. That allows us to clear the ground of every obstruction.
God also covers us with His Word when we come to Him as Lord of our lives. His Word is His Son, Jesus; the Jesus who lived, bled, died, and rose to Heaven for you and for me. We are covered and protected by that amazing gift, for the Word Jesus carries power to prevail against all powers of evil when Jesus is Lord of our lives.
All power.
All powerful.
Not the enemy and not us – Jesus.
Are you ready to venture into the vault of God’s vast truth?
Expect adventure, excitement and breathtaking breakthrough IF you choose to forge ahead.
But beware…
There are twists and turns ahead.
(Spoiler alert! You may already know the end of this story.)
With over 22 years in corporate American, 2 million airline miles under her belt, 2 Christian Literary Awards on the shelf, an MBA hanging on the wall, and a Doctor of Theology candidacy in process, Susan B Mead shares her expert teachings on business, grief, spiritual warfare and relationships. A master storyteller and award winning, best selling author, Susan leaves audiences motivated to live a life free of regrets even though she has done the hardest thing any parent can do – bury her youngest son, Kyle.
Susan has been described as a solid, comforting voice in a messy world. Whether speaking to business professionals, women’s conferences, industry leaders or writer’s workshops, Susan’s insightful wisdom inspires audiences, empowering them to make healthy mental u-turns to help them find calm in the chaos.
Book Review by Bree Herron
A calling to know more of the Word of God and to find ways to prepare yourself for trials. I found the book to be a quick but complex read as it poses questions after each chapter for the reader to truly reflect upon. I did think that I would have seen more suggestions on how we should armor ourselves, but that can truly come from a passionate relationship with God.
I like that this book was short and straight to the point. It doesn’t beat around the bush. It is strong in the word of God. This book could become a great asset to Christians all over.
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**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.
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To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away a grand prize of a Kindle Oasis preloaded with her ebooks along with an autographed copy of her book Don’t Go Through Life Naked: How to Clothe Yourself in God’s Power.! Find out all the details and enter to WIN at Don’t Go Through Life Naked Celebration Tour Giveaway.
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Thank you for your review on “Don’t Go Through Life Naked” by Susan B. Mead and for being part of the book tour.
I have not read this book but I think it would be a very good book to read with some soul searching as you did.
Thank you for your thoughtful review of Don’t Go Through Life Naked. How encouraging to read “This book could become a great asset to Christians all over.”