Behind the Scenes

- Author: Jen Turano
- Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
- Print Length: 352 pages
- Release Date: April 18, 2017
- I Rate it:
- Genre: Christian
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Book Summary
Start of a Delightful New Series from Historical Romance Author Jen Turano
Miss Permilia Griswold may have been given the opportunity of a debut into New York high society, but no one warned her she wasn’t guaranteed to “take.” After spending the last six years banished to the wallflower section of the ballroom, she’s finally putting her status on the fringes of society to good use by penning anonymous society gossip columns under the pseudonym “Miss Quill.”
Mr. Asher Rutherford has managed to maintain his status as a reputable gentleman of society despite opening his own department store. While pretending it’s simply a lark to fill his time, he has quite legitimate reasons for needing to make his store the most successful in the country.
When Permilia overhears a threat against the estimable Mr. Rutherford, she’s determined to find and warn the man. Disgruntled at a first meeting that goes quite poorly and results in Asher not believing her, she decides to take matters into her own hands, never realizing she’ll end up at risk as well.
As Asher and Permilia are forced to work together and spend time away from the spotlight of society, perhaps there’s more going on behind the scenes than they ever could have anticipated. . . .
Jen Turano, author of nine books and two novellas, is a graduate of the University of Akron with a degree in clothing and textiles. She is a member of ACFW and lives in a suburb of Denver, Colorado. Visit her website at
Book Review by Bree Herron
The Gilded Age, is where I am truly meant to have been. High society balls, fancy gowns and meeting the most amazing people. Jen Turano must have traveled back in time to get her information, this book is spot on and transported me. Miss Permilia Griswold is my Gilded Age spirit character ( the character I want to be), and her story will blow you away.
Miss Permilia Griswold is a hilariously created character. She is literally the definition of a wallflower ( and has some perks to that), until she finds her heart being stolen away. For a female character, Permilia stands out with her unique awkwardness with society. I relate Permilia to talking to men, and prefer the running plan as well. You never know what those gentlemen may say. Anyways, Permilia is also giving me the cuteness factor, she doesn’t see what the reader sees about her, the bright mind, the beauty (she is so not plain) and the overall charm factor. I would gladly be a wallflower with Permilia. Permilia- let’s be BFFs.
Now with Mr. Asher Rutherford, I would have been the girls wanting his latest fashions just to meet him! I mean come on, this guy is a great catch and no matter what those gossip biddies said, I was Asher-ila (see what I did there) all the way. They were strong as independents, but super heroes together. I loved their conversations, and the silly moments. Asher gets her, really gets her. Who doesn’t want a man to really understand them? He falls in love with the Permilla that the reader falls in love with as well.
For a Christian fiction and Christian romance book, it sets the bar high, I have truly read through it three times and each time it gets better. Jen Turano has an amazing approach to her faith in the stories, and I love her writing style. Just keeping sweeping us away Jen, you do an amazing job at that.
Thanks for taking the time to comment, what is your favorite piece of info about the Gilded Age?
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To celebrate her tour, Jen is giving away a $25 Barnes and Noble Gift Card and the four books: After a Fashion, In Good Company, Playing the Part, Behind the Scenes!! Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!
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What I like to read/see most about the Gilded Age is the opulence of places like the Vanderbilt, The Biltmore, and the Marble House, etc. I find them and their pictures fascinating!