Author Interview: Michele Howe

Accomplished—the word itself fits Michele Howe perfectly. She has been a successful published author,  but also a reviewer that I look up to. Her work has been in magazines, journals and of course on a bookshelf near you.

I had the privilege to chat with the master of words Michele, and it was exciting to have her sit down and answer some of my questions.

Preparing, Adjusting, and Loving the Empty Nest

Preparing, Adjusting, and Loving the Empty Nest

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<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Michele Howe is a reviewer for Publishers Weekly,, Retailers + Resources, Foreword Magazine,,, among many others national and international publications. She has published over 2500 reviews/articles and has been featured on numerous radio shows across the country speaking on topics such as parenting and a diverse range of women’s health issues. Her work has been published in MORE, FIRST for Women, Good Housekeeping, Christianity Today, Discipleship Journal, Midwest Living, Parentlife, Fullfill, Christian Single, Single Parent Family, Focus on the Family, PRISM, and Connections. She also does copywriting and manuscript reviewing for several publishing houses including New Growth Press.

Michele is the author of seventeen books for women. Her book, “Going It Alone: Meeting the Challenges of Being a Single Mom” (Hendrickson Publishers), provided hope and practical helps for single moms new to parenting solo. She has also authored “Pilgrim Prayers for Single Mothers” (Pilgrim Press) and a third book of helps for single mothers titled, “Successful Single Moms” (Pilgrim Press.) In addition to these resources for single mothers, Michele wrote four separate titles combining real life stories with inspirational prayer retreats. These titles published by (Jossey-Bass) include: “Prayers for Homeschooling Moms,” “Prayers to Nourish a Woman’s Heart,” “Prayers of Comfort and Strength” and “Prayers for New and Expecting Moms.”

Her newest books include a follow-up resource to “Going It Alone” titled, “Still Going It Alone: Mothering with Faith and Finesse Once the Children Have Grown” (Hendrickson Publishers) and “Burdens Do a Body Good: Meeting Life’s Challenges with Strength and Soul” co-authored with orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Christopher A. Foetisch (Hendrickson Publishers).

One Size Fits All: Making Meaningful Choices, Stepping Into a Meaningful Life was released in early 2013 by Lighthouse of the Carolinas. Burden Lifters: Every Woman’s Every Day Resource Kit for a Healthy, Happy Life was released by Bondfire Books in late 2013 and ACTA Publications released, “Faith, Friends, and Other Floatation Devices” which is a compilation of stories, quotes, and practical lifestyle recommendations for “staying afloat” during life’s toughest times in 2014. Empty Nest, What’s Next: Parenting Adult Children without Losing Your Mind was released in 2015 by Hendrickson Publishers. Coming fall of 2016 is Caring for Our Aging Parents: Lessons in Love, Loss, and Letting Go. Michele is currently working a sequel to Empty Nest, What’s Next to be released in fall of 2017.

In addition to her article and books writing, Michele writes a weekly women’s lifestyle and single parenting column at She is also featured in the new Single & Parenting Resource Video Series as a parenting expert. In line with her passion for working with single parents, Michele’s resources offer encouragement to women of all ages by challenging them to exercise their combination of strengths, skills, and life wisdom in pursuit of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Recognizing that life is often difficult, women can learn how to recognize (and find solace in) significant life-markers and by so doing, acquire the strength to embrace their daily challenges.

She can be reached several different ways:

<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">My Interview With The Author</span></span></h2>


Michele, thank you for joining me today on the blog! You have certainly accomplished a lot as a reviewer and author. It is a pleasure to get to chat! Tell us how has your summer gone?

Michele Howe

To be honest…it has passed by like a flash of light. My husband is a high school math teacher and a track coach so the spring season is always too busy. However, once summer rolls around it seems we have lots of home maintenance, gardening, and lots of other catch-up things to do. This includes catching up with friends and family…the best part of summer. Looking back over the past three months I feel thankful and warmed by the wonderful memories we made…truth be told…memories we carved out and made a priority.


Making time to make memories is very important. Take the time to slow down. Fall is my favorite season, I love the smells of the leaves, and the crisp air. What are you looking forward to in the coming seasons?

Michele Howe

Fall is my very favorite season of the year! I love everything about it. The changing colors, wearing cozy sweaters, sitting around a fire, everything pumpkiny. I also love the anticipation of the holidays when I am already anticipating family gatherings and lots of celebrating. I even love the decorating!


Leaves changing and the crisp air are my favorite parts, but it’s also a great reminder to slow down. What inspired you to begin writing your own books? As many will see you are a very well published reviewer.

Michele Howe

Way back in 1998, I had written a number of parenting articles which were published in different magazines across the country. I realized (as a reviewer) that my book could be a compilation of these 15 articles. I approached a number of publishing companies and ended up being offered a contract with Hendrickson Publishing…which to date..they have wonderfully published eight of my eighteen books. They are an absolute delight to work with and I’m always grateful to keep that working relationship going.


Yes, I found some of your articles online, you are very knowledgable in the parenting world.The book that seems to call to me the most is the one you wrote for single moms (Successful Single Moms: Thirteen Stories of Triumph), is this based on personal experience?

Michele Howe

I actually wrote four books for single moms based on the experiences of good friends of mine who found themselves suddenly single with small children. As they learned to navigate the single parenting world I watched in awe…both of my friends were brave and took strong steps to make sure their children grew up confident in their love and that of Christ’s. I continued to interview other single moms across the country and tell their stories in the subsequent books.


Are you working on any new books?

Michele Howe

I am! I’ve just started working on a book focusing on women’s friendships. The working title is, Navigating the Friendship Maze: The Search for Authentic Friends. This book will focus on the importance of understanding how the Bible defines friends/companions and those we choose to walk through life with. I’ve observed over the years that women often never rise higher than their closest friends…which means it’s all important to select friends who will hold you accountable, be ready to cheer you on, and continually reference the principles found in God’s Word to help guide one another through life’s challenges…

I have another idea simmering in the back of my mind…but first things first. I need to put my full energy and attention in working on the The Friendship Maze.


What was your summer must read that you want to share?

Michele Howe

Adorned by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth…a MUST read for every woman, young, old, or in between. Perfect for individual study or to work through with a group of friends. This book challenged, encouraged me, and made me realize once again how God intends women to nurture and support and journey through life together.


I will have to check it out! I bet we have similiar tastes in some books. Favorite book that inspired you to become a writer?

Michele Howe

Hmm…well, I wanted to write ever since I was teen…but I would say I fell in love with words when I read The Hobbit in high school. Then, I plowed through The Lord of the Rings…and never stopped reading.


What is the book you are looking most forward to reading?

Michele Howe

Randy Alcorn has a new book out titled, Truth, that I want to get a hold of…I was listening to Greg Laurie on the radio and Randy came on and they were discussing it. Sounds timely given how our world and many of our churches are diverging further and further away from biblical truth.


Thanks so much for sharing your time and pieces about you! We are better readers for knowing you.

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