Cold As Ice

  • Author: Julie Mulhern
  • Publisher: Henery Press
  • Print Length: 211 pages
  • Release Date: October 17, 2017
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreCozy
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Book Summary

“From the first page to the last, Julie’s mysteries grab the reader and don’t let up.” – Sally Berneathy, USA Today Bestselling Author

Ellison Russell’s life resembles a rollercoaster ride. And rollercoasters make her ill. Her daughter Grace has a crush on a boy Ellison doesn’t trust and she’s taken to hosting wild parties when Ellison goes out for the evening. Worse, the bank which represents Grace’s inheritance from her father may be in trouble.

When a meeting with the chef at the country club leads to the discovery of a body, Ellison can’t afford cold feet. She must save the bank, find the killer, and convince Grace (and herself) that powerful women don’t need men to rescue them.


<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Julie Mulhern is the USA Today bestselling author of The Country Club Murders.

She is a Kansas City native who grew up on a steady diet of Agatha Christie. She spends her spare time whipping up gourmet meals for her family, working out at the gym and finding new ways to keep her house spotlessly clean--and she's got an active imagination. Truth is--she's an expert at calling for take-out, she grumbles about walking the dog and the dust bunnies under the bed have grown into dust lions.

You can find Julie on:

Julie Mulhern
<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">My Interview With The Author</span></span></h2>


Ellison is back in her 6th mystery! And I am chatting it up with her creator Julie Mulhern today.


Julie, thanks for being here. Let’s start off with getting to know you a bit more. What is the latest book you have read?

Julie Mulhern

I am reading a Robert Crais mystery called The Promise. I’ve read several Elvis Cole books and I always enjoy them.


Oh, that is a new to me author. I will have to check the book out! I can’t believe that we are headed into the holiday season and the end of 2018. What is a book that you look forward to reading this coming 2018 year?

Julie Mulhern

I can’t wait for Double Dog Dare by Gretchen Archer because I love and adore Davis Way. I’m also eager to get my hands on The Break by Marian Keyes. I’ve been a Keyes fan for years.


I LOVE Davis! Seriously, one of my favorite series and I am thrilled as well for that book. How do you spend your non-writing days?

Julie Mulhern


Sounds like writing is a relaxing part of your life. But in some ways I can imagine it being the opposite. Writing can be stressful how do you unwind?

Julie Mulhern

I switch from coffee to wine. Only half-joking. I also go for long walks, listen to music, and read.


Haha, I do that as well, the walking I mean.  Now let’s get to the real reason we are chatting. Your latest novel just released, what inspired the latest mystery?

Julie Mulhern

I write the Country Club Murders and it’s been a while since anyone actually died at the country club. I decided it was time.

While there are many ways to commit murder at a club—golf club to the noggin, exploding golf cart (which is a REALLY good idea and may appear in a future book), kitchen knives, poisoned Mulligatawny—I decided on death by walk-in freezer.

I pondered this idea for a few days then found myself at the club talking to a manager.

I remember the conversation well. I was standing at the lifeguard stand with my youngest daughter when Bret approached.

“Bret,” I said. “I’m killing someone in the freezer. Would you please walk me up to the kitchen so I can see it?”

Bret knows I write mysteries. The poor lifeguard did not.

My very embarrassed youngest daughter said the look of shock and horror on the lifeguard’s face will stay with her always.

Beyond the corpse in the freezer, Cold as Ice touches on women’s issues that were relevant in 1974 and remain relevant.



That is true! I have been a faithful fan of this series from the start, and was excited to read this latest.  I personally don’t want to ever see it end. Do you see more in the future for Ellison?

Julie Mulhern

Ellison will be back next June in book seven of the Country Club Murders. I’d tell you the name but I haven’t officially decided on a title..


Your titles are always so catchy, I can’t wait to know what it is! Do you have any other series coming to your writing desk soon?

Julie Mulhern

I hope so. It’s a question of finding the time!


I think we all go through that. Finding time for a new project, that is. I have really enjoyed chatting with you, let us end on one more question. What would you tell a new to your books reader if you could only use four words to describe your series?

Julie Mulhern

Funny, nostalgic, twisty, and Anarchy.


Book Review by Bree Herron

This is the only country club you will catch me visitng, and time traveling to. I adore this series, I can’t get enough of it, and Ellison is as charming as ever in her latest mystery.


Ellison is our main gal.  She is graceful, tactful and a sleuth that is unmatched in my opinon.This time we really saw the mom side of her, and I was instantly a bigger fan (if that is possible). I liked that she was driven to do what was right by her daughter, and solving the mystery was icing on the cake.


Another Henery Press cover, I adore this series for the cover love it gets. How pretty with the simple look is this ? It never takes away from the story and it is always in theme with our little female on the cover.

Enjoyable Moments

Oh my, Grace was stealing some moments in this book. I mean the girl was trying hard to be that rebelious girl she thought she should be. I also always love how this author writes finding the bodies/vicitms. She has a knack for setting the scene just right, and keeping an Ellison flair to it.


Overall, this was the best one yet, I held on to the Send in the Clowns as my favorite but this one ran right past and became my #1. The mystery never fails, Ellison is a solid and wonderful character and I really enjoy how the author brought out issues that were during the time period and have some focus today. It is a must read for any mystery fan.

I Rate it

What would you like to see for Ellison to solve at the Country Club next? Haven’t read the books, tell me why you would like to start the series?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

Haven’t read this wonderful series yet? Here is your chance to win 1 of 5 copies in e-book form of the first book! Click here and best wishes!

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