Son of Promise

  • Author: Caryl McAdoo
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Print Length: 311 pages
  • Release Date: January 15, 2018
  • I Rate it:    
  • GenreChristian
  • Purchase on Amazon

Book Summary

Be it known, your sins will find you out, but God’s mercy endureth forever!
Can a wife find the grace to forgive when her husband’s withheld the truth? Travis Buckmeyer has a secret son, and the morning’s come to tell his sweet wife. He hates breaking Emma Lee’s heart. She promised him one ten years ago but hasn’t been blessed to carry a baby to term. Every miscarriage made the telling harder, but now his clock’s run out. He’s going for his son, praying he won’t lose her.
Cody knows whom his mother claims his father is, but he’s only interested in getting sprung from reform school then boosting enough from the do-gooder to bust out on his own.
Can Travis find redemption, Emma Lee forgiveness, or Cody the love he’s been longing for?

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Guest Post from Caryl McAdoo

SON OF PROMISE—a companion story to my Texas Romance Family Saga’s book ten CHIEF OF SINNERS—features Travis and Emma Lee Buckmeyer, who readers first meet in CHIEF. She’s the sister of its heroine Sandy Harris, and he is a friend of its hero Buddy Nightingale; he’s also the son of Crockett Buckmeyer (from book eight COVERING LOVE) and grandson of Patrick Henry Buckmeyer (hero of book one VOW UNBROKEN).
A standalone, it isn’t necessary for readers to know all these ancestors to enjoy SON OF PROMISE, but those who do will surely love it all the more. What I know is that this couple won a chunk of my heart. Their faith is outstanding and their love inspiring. In the ’40s, Emma Lee didn’t have the fertility options young women do today, and miscarriage after miscarriage left her hurting. That’s why he hadn’t told her. He didn’t want to hurt her, but circumstances had changed, and time was up. She had to be told that morning he already had a son born from a one night liaison thirteen years before because he was leaving to claim his Cody from a reform school and bring him home.
The boy had never known real love, but I loved him from the first. Forced to grow up way too fast—lying, stealing, and participating in most any other rebellious act—he’s missed so much. He’s overwhelmed with Travis and Emma Lee—their home, their partnership and love for each other, and their generosity toward him. He planned to light out from the start, but days piled on top each other, and he never pulled the trigger.
In VOW UNBROKEN, there was an awesome canine named Blue Dog, and I went into his POV (Point Of View—got into his head) a couple of times. My Simon & Schuster editor ‘requested’ that I lose those segments, and so I did. But in this novel, I get into a canine’s head again . . . I’m hoping readers will find that fun.
In years past, I owned, managed, and milked a herd of eighty-plus dwarf goats and loved their Great Pyrenees guardians, so it was fun to include them in the story. I love how Emma Lee was able to sell her paintings for exorbitant prices, but remained so humble and unassuming. And that she and Travis opened their home (they’re so much like my husband and me) to total strangers. We’ve had so many people live with us over the years, to help them, be blessings—the hands and feet of God in the earth.
I pray my story gives God glory and that its readers will be drawn closer to Him through it. He blesses me and highly favors me daily. I can’t thank or praise Him enough!
<h2><span class="wrap"><span class="inner">About The Author</span></span></h2>

Born in California, Caryl McAdoo got to Texas in time to celebrate her first birthday. As a Dallas seventh grader, she remembers a homework essay on ‘What will you be doing in 2000?’ Looking into the future, Caryl saw herself as an inter-galactically famous author, streaking from planet to planet signing books. She laughs, “But I didn’t start writing again until the late ’80s, then was so blessed to find the DFW Writers’ Workshop in ’93.”

Her first book debuted ’99, then for the next nine years, she averaged a title a year from four presses: two non-fiction, four novels, and three mid-grade chapter books. In March 2014, her first historical Christian romance VOW UNBROKEN

Also known as Grami, she loves fourteen grandsugars, and she and O’Pa—her high school sweetheart and husband of forty-five years—have been rearing four of the grandsons for the past twelve years sending two off to college in 2014. She’s dedicated to advancing God’s Kingdom through her novels, praise and worship—He frequently gives her new songs—prayers, and her testimony.

She believes all good things are from Him and that her books will minister His love, mercy, and grace to her readers. Irving, Texas remained her life long home until 2008 when she and Ron followed God’s leading to Red River County in the far northeast corner of the Lone Star State.

You can find Caryl on:

Caryl McAdoo

Book Review by Bree Herron

I can always count on Caryl to write a story that makes a reader think, and feel on levels they might not else why do with other books. I really loved this story, and felt that it was a nice addition to this series. I really love that readers can feel at home within this novel about love, and forgiveness.


Travis Buckmeyer made a choice that could have cost him his wife. But  Emma Lee is a strong woman, and faith in abundance chose to open her heart and begin to forgive Travis. Cody has showed that needing these two people makes all of them open their hearts a bit more and learn from each other.

I really loved Cody, I thought the troubled youth reminded me of many that I work with. Ones that I give extra patience to, or check a bit more just to see if they are having a good day. Cody should have had that from the beginning but as this book shows us, many can have children but to be a parent means to overcome if you have demons, and put the child first. Cody showed that those who may be lost can be found.

Enjoyable Moments

I really enjoyed that we started right in Travis’s thoughts. And we then went through the motions of getting Cody, and instantly showing him love. Emma Lee shined in this, she showed love and forgiveness, even in moments where she might want to scream (I know I would have). I also really loved when Cody got is his horse, how his inner thoughts played out about the beast and his fear, yet strength.


This book is one that can read set in a different time period, but yet feel very modern in its take away. I felt as though the author was able to show that even with a past indiscretion or a past that created a child those children can be loved. It is hopeful in a future for a young man and his family. I love books that make my heart feel happy, and this book does it for me.

I Rate it

How would your heart forgive Travis?

**DISCLAIMER: I was provided an opportunity to read this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in return for a fair and honest review.

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<h2><span class="inner">Giveaway</span></h2>

To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away

GRAND PRIZE : $50 Amazon Gift Card
1st Prize: Choice-of-Caryl’s Titles (print or ebook)
2nd-4th: ebook of SON OF PROMISE!!

Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Son of Promise Celebration Tour Giveaway.

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  1. Kay Garrett

    It would be very difficult to forgive Travis especially when you had never been able to carry a child to full term yourself. However, with time and God’s grace if love is really there, I think all problems regardless of how big can be worked through.

    I’d very much love to read “Son of Promise”. It sounds like an amazing book.

  2. Caryl McAdoo

    Hey, Bree! YAY! I’m glad you enjoyed SON OF PROMISE and want to thank you for being a part of its Celebrate Lit Blog Tour! You wrote a lovely review and I so appreciate that, too! I really like your format. Hugs and Blessings from Texas!

  3. James Robert

    Congrats on the tour and thanks so much for your excerpt and giveaway.

    • James Robert

      I meant your review, getting the flu and not thinking correctly.

  4. judy schexnayder

    I love Caryl’s books for they contain real life characters in real life settings no matter what year they happen in. You can relate to the situations and they always bring in God’s desire for His creation.

  5. Perrianne Askew

    Having struggled somewhat with infertility, I can relate to Emma Lee. It sounds like the overiding theme here is forgiveness and the heart to love one lonely boy. Bree, thanks for the wonderful interview. Caryl, thank you for the synopsis and giveaway opportunity. Congrats on the new book!

  6. peggy clayton

    I am excited to read this book. I have not read it yet but after meeting you at the Lockets and Lace event and reading one of your books I love the way you write and look forward to reading more! [email protected]

  7. Brenda

    I don’t know if I could forgive Travis or not. Most people don’t change for better. I’m sure the book will be interesting. It would be a difficult situation for all 3 of them.


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